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  1. B


    I had marked on the side of the super, so I knew it was the treated one. However when I started taking off the supers to extract, I missed that it was marked and so I spun it off with the rest. It was only when I was putting the frames in the freezer did that I noticed the marking on the side...
  2. B


    I was able to save a few buckets that I know were from other hives. Unfortunately for these six I’m not sure which has the affected batch as they were all extracted on one day, and I only discovered the error today when I was taking the supers back off the hives after I let the bees clean them...
  3. B


    Yes, but I’m not 100% sure they were fully consumed, so I’m concerned there was at least some contaminated mixed in.
  4. B


    Last winter I left some of my hives with a super whilst treating with Apivar, as they were low on stores. I marked the supers so that I would know these were left on with treatment. I have now made a terrible mistake and accidentally included one of the treated supers with my honey extraction...