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  1. E

    New swarm- advice needed please

    I only say that as it's what my mentor told me on collection of the swarm, this isn't the issue anyway, I just wanted to know what I should do concerning the queen cells. My mentor is coming over sunday might have more luck there....
  2. E

    New swarm- advice needed please

    not all the brood is bumpy like in the picture, there are uncapped brood cells which contain larvae. The swarm when collected was 20000 strong. I guess that's why they are making a new queen to avoid being 'doomed'
  3. E

    New swarm- advice needed please

    Ok, well I am feeding them sugar syrup anyway, by getting smaller do you mean you think they will swarm or just die from working and not be replaced quickly enough? What do you mean hivemaker by drone laying queen or laying workers? So should I leave the cells? Apart from putting dummy boards...
  4. E

    New swarm- advice needed please

    Okay, here's the images again, I have uploaded them differently so I hope it works. My hive is a national, not langstroth so i'm not sure if drawing out all the frames in a week is the same. It is interesting that swarms start from the edge of the frames, I will leave the box how it is with...
  5. E

    New swarm- advice needed please

    Pictures Hi everyone, I checked the hive and took some photos, two of the cells have been capped and in the other one is larvae. There is also brood larvae. My instinct tells me that they are so small (only on 3 frames) so should know not to swarm. They might be superceeding their old queen. I...
  6. E

    New swarm- advice needed please

    Ok I will check the hive thursday- weather permetting and will take a photo of it and post here (if you wouldn't mind checking back then I would be very grateful), it's really nice to have this forum- very reassuring, I hope to be able to help others soon :) Interesting that they make play...
  7. E

    New swarm- advice needed please

    Hi, I am referring the wax shape of an early queen cell, but bees were going into them, is this less to worry about/ do I still need to remove them? Some of the normal cells have been capped over but I could not see any distinct eggs or larvae, however as I mentioned this was only after a week...
  8. E

    New swarm- advice needed please

    Hello all, We are new to beekeeping and have recently aquired a swarm (20,000 bees approx), after one week they have drawn out the comb on 4 frames on one side of the brood box (none in the middle), so we have tried moving the box 'warm way' as have read that this can encourage them to work the...