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  1. Sean

    Moving 3 miles+ and back - how long?

    Bump (from the guy whose bees Sutty is rescuing!!) :)
  2. Sean

    Help wanted with trap out in the Oldham Area...

    That may be helpful. Thanks! Hopefully they have what they need! Would be cool if you might be able to come give them a general health check when you’re back. Petrol on me ofc
  3. Sean

    Help wanted with trap out in the Oldham Area...

    Hi all. I’ve had to go away for a few days so have left them to their own devices. Activity from the wall is now minimal and there is a steady flow of traffic to and from the nuc. I haven’t gone searching for EQCs, partly because I don’t know what I’m looking for but also because I don’t...
  4. Sean

    Help wanted with trap out in the Oldham Area...

    By way of a little update, after the first day, some bees were definitely moving through the nuc because they were then obsessively hunting the wall for new ways in before calling it a day and entering the nuc on the other side. BUT... there was an awful lot of trepidation about going through...
  5. Sean

    Help wanted with trap out in the Oldham Area...

    This is one of the ones that came into the house initially and didn't make it - pre-introducing any other bees. Does that alleviate your concerns? I really hope so! 😓If so, perhaps I just picked up a random bee?
  6. Sean

    Help wanted with trap out in the Oldham Area...

    Alrighty, time to pay my dues and fully document my day for future daredevils. And also ask some more questions along the way. Make a cup of tea and sit down. Our kind local beekeeper (thank you Lucy) was happy to donate five frames to the cause, one with brood. She was also due to go on...
  7. Sean

    Help wanted with trap out in the Oldham Area...

    Okay, the box is up! The tunnel is connected. Valve in. Frames in. Game time! The frames already had some nurse bees with the brood so it's a little bit too chaotic to know exactly who is who at the moment. Should I open the box up and provide them with sugar water or should I just leave them...
  8. Sean

    Help wanted with trap out in the Oldham Area...

    Nearly ready to go guys. One question- does it matter where in the order of frames the brood goes or can I just whack them in?
  9. Sean

    Help wanted with trap out in the Oldham Area...

    And if going for the second option, is there an ideal distance between the two holes? i.e. one in the bottom on one side, one in the top on the other? Do I want them to be forced to explore their new home or simply pass from one side to the other? I appreciate how basic these questions are...
  10. Sean

    Help wanted with trap out in the Oldham Area...

    Agreed. I'm becoming a member for sure. The number of places I've come to cap in hand looking for help only to be ridiculed is mind-numbing (although I've been asking dumb question since the usenet days). This is a breath of fresh air!
  11. Sean

    Help wanted with trap out in the Oldham Area...

    Sadly, I can't delay collection of the brood frame as the donator is heading on holiday tomorrow. I'll push it as late in the day as I can. The box is arriving tomorrow so that's also another unknown. But what I lack in bee experience, I make up for in DIY expereince. Knocking a frame together...
  12. Sean

    Help wanted with trap out in the Oldham Area...

    Would you mind giving your input on a few of my practical questions - namely, queen or no queen? And I going to be able to do this with 40mm waste pipe or will I need something bigger/smaller? I'm also thinking I'll need some sort of rose on the end of the pipe and perhaps some fast drying non...
  13. Sean

    Help wanted with trap out in the Oldham Area...

    Further update: I'm going to collect my drawn frames and brood tomorrow morning from a lovely lady. No turning back now!
  14. Sean

    Help wanted with trap out in the Oldham Area...

    After a day of calls and emails, some progress! I may have found someone local that is happy to help with the broody frames! And a nearby BKA that is asking around as a back up. Watch this space. Another question: Is introducing another queen to the nuc going to change the chances of their...
  15. Sean

    Help wanted with trap out in the Oldham Area...

    Thank you. I will keep trying. I think the biggest challenge is convincing someone that I’m up to the challenge and a worthy investment. Either that or the beekeepers in my area have become Africanised because not all their temperaments are like those of the members coming forward with advice...
  16. Sean

    Help wanted with trap out in the Oldham Area...

    This isn’t going too well. Seems like I’m trying to get ahold of gold dust! :(
  17. Sean

    Help wanted with trap out in the Oldham Area...

    I’ll speak to them tomorrow. If it increases my chances, I’m happy to take a road trip if there are any members further afield that could help!
  18. Sean

    Help wanted with trap out in the Oldham Area...

    Thanks for all the support so far. I was tentative about posting as so many forums are pretty hostile to the inexperienced. You’ve mentioned brood or a queen. Is the addition of a queen likely to increase success or will the open brood be enough? Just trying to not introduce complexity if it’s...
  19. Sean

    Help wanted with trap out in the Oldham Area...

    Just saw the other link to the one way valves. That looks much more straightforward that what I was seeing on YouTube!
  20. Sean

    Help wanted with trap out in the Oldham Area...

    Thank you. This is exactly the sort of detailed response I was hoping for! So it sounds like, with a bit of research and determination, I can do this (properly) myself? I can stretch to the box you linked to, no problem, and already have unused pipe and timber. After a few minutes of googling...