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  1. S

    Harvesting capped Queen cells prior to moving to an incubator

    Just to update, the incubator worked and so far 1 has emerged out of the five I was able to carefully remove from the frame, plan is to introduce her to a wee mating hive with a few bees and hopefully she gets lucky. Hopeful more may emerge!
  2. S

    Harvesting capped Queen cells prior to moving to an incubator

    Hi all, I'm new to queen raring, I have a have that has managed to draw out 8 Q cells on a single frame, I was hoping to harvest once capped and move into an incubator, eggs where from a artificially mated pure AAM Queen who seems to have an excellent temperament trait and lays very well. The...
  3. S

    Swarm control and a Breech birth Queen

    When I seen she was alive I put the Q cell down on the top of the frame and she reversed herself out of it and began to walk down the frame, if that makes more sense
  4. S

    Swarm control and a Breech birth Queen

    Hi all, new to the forum, I've only started beekeeping this year, and so far everything has been great, this past month has been dealing with a lot of swarm control as I'm sure many others here have also been dealing with the same. On an inspection this evening on a hive known to be currently...