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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. Wilfredbuck

    Bees under the hive

    OK... next little issue. I went away on holiday for a week and had a friend look after the bees (just the one hive). unfortunately there was an issue involving putting the sealed crown board onto the brood box in-between the supers for a few days... it got sorted when they realised (by...
  2. Wilfredbuck

    To extract or not to extract

    OK, cool... with this method what do you do In the spring - is it just a matter of removing the super you've over-wintered?
  3. Wilfredbuck

    To extract or not to extract

    This sounds like a good plan to me... I do like a simple plan
  4. Wilfredbuck

    To extract or not to extract

    Perfect... I am in Anglesea at the moment for the week and have a friend checking my hive for me – he says it's all pretty good in the Brood box and the flow is still good back home...
  5. Wilfredbuck

    To extract or not to extract

    My dilemma is this: I have one hive with single brood box, I have an 90% capped super and have just placed a second super on. This is my first year of keeping bees so do I: a) Leave the supers x2 on and they can feed the bees over winter b) Take off the full super and hope the bees start...
  6. Wilfredbuck

    Wax Moth?

    I did a check today - flicked another larvae off the inspection board… didn’t see any other evidence, the hunt continues
  7. Wilfredbuck

    Wax Moth?

    I am going back in on Sunday for a really good look around (weather permitting)…. the colony is pretty strong and covering nearly all the frames in the brood box and are up in the super.
  8. Wilfredbuck

    Wax Moth?

    OK cool – It was just a little disconcerting seeing them sat there wiggling away... :)
  9. Wilfredbuck

    Wax Moth?

    I think I have Wax Moth I am first year beekeeper the National hive is doing well, all the brood frames are filled out and have bees on them, I placed a super on with a queen excluder on 12 days ago and they have filled out 80% of it and they have filled most with honey – so generally I thought...