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  1. G

    Mould in the comb? Possibly no queen

    Thanks all for your advice, its certainly put my mind at ease, from what I'm gathering I just need to get some restrictor boards into the hive I've just put them into to keep them comfortable
  2. G

    Mould in the comb? Possibly no queen

    They haven't drawn out all the comb no, they have only built up 3-4 of the 5 frames. My apologies for being a complete novice, I was treating this like I had bought a complete nuc as I've not had a swarm before and today I transferred them from the nuc to the hive thinking they needed it as from...
  3. G

    Mould in the comb? Possibly no queen

    Sorry, I didn't catch them someone else did, i dont know when he caught it but they were in the nuc for at least a week. the comb they came on was what they've built but he supplied the foundations. When I say transfer I mean from the nuc to my hive, I inspected numbers but not the comb when I...
  4. G

    Mould in the comb? Possibly no queen

    Hi, I've just got a swarm on 3 to 5 frames and when I've come to transfer them over, while doing my inspection for the queen I noticed two things: I saw a few drones but no queen (I may have a queen less swarm, there's no capping on any comb) but also in the bottom of some of the comb there...
  5. G

    Homing a swarm, advice needed

    I didn't know about the queen being out of the hive but they are on frames and had gone from 3 to 5 in the week between claiming and collecting so I think i'm good. my only annoyance was the keeper I got them from hadn't sealed off the nuc the night before so it was a case of just having the...
  6. G

    Restarting my hive

    I Managed to source a swarm from another keeper in york thanks :)
  7. G

    Homing a swarm, advice needed

    Hi, To keep costs down after losing my hive that I started last year (yes I know that was some very bad luck), I am taking in a swarm that has been captured locally. It is coming with 3 frames in a box but wondered if there is anything I should know that is especially different to starting from...
  8. G

    Restarting my hive

    thank you, I'm using swarm commander with some of my old frames I was told to use that helps entice them in if spread out inside a hive. It's only the old hive I'm using as a trap so it's not very high off the ground but its in 50/50 sun / shade (its painted a relatively dark colour). I am part...
  9. G

    Restarting my hive

    Hi, I started my first private hive last year but lost it in february, due to personal circumstances and the money I spent getting up and running I'm struggling to get up and running again with a new colony, I had no luck getting a swarm despite my hive being on an orchard. Any advice welcome.
  10. G

    Bees For Sale Honey bees for sale in Ripon North Yorkshire can include hives/nuc.

    Hi, Is there one at 150 still for sale? are any of them on langstroth frames at all? I've only got one hive and thats the size it is. sadly lost my bees over the terrible winter we had Thanks