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  1. B

    First inspection, loads stores and only capped drone cells

    Oh, sorry you mean she laid it then went? why are there no laying workers then?
  2. B

    First inspection, loads stores and only capped drone cells

    Yes but if I have no queen, where did the egg come from?
  3. B

    First inspection, loads stores and only capped drone cells

    OK, wee update. A lovely very experienced beekeeper came and looked through my hive with me. We found a sealed queen cell. He says enough workers to keep things viable. No sign of any eggs at all. The thing I don't understand is if there is no queen how can there be a queen cell??
  4. B

    First inspection, loads stores and only capped drone cells

    I blew on the frames as it makes the bees move so that's why there looks so few bees, although deffo less than I expected. I always thought one should see eggs or even multiple with laying workers thats why I was a bit surprised. There are two frames and the back stuffed with capped honey and...
  5. B

    First inspection, loads stores and only capped drone cells

    OK so another inspection. Turns out I'm not as blind as I thought. There are no eggs. Not one! Lots drones and some capped drone cells and developing larvae. Pics attached. Not sure whats going on, are they raising a queen? If so, what stops the workers starting to lay??
  6. B

    First inspection, loads stores and only capped drone cells

    Its a wee bit more complicated than that as I have a lens in for short sight and one for long, but its not really working well enough now, so yes it'll be a new prescription for short sightedness plus reading glass in the end. That, or very expensive varifocal contacts!
  7. B

    First inspection, loads stores and only capped drone cells

    Thanks so much for your helpful and much more hopeful reply! There were threee queen cups but no actual cells. The colony was really lovely and calm too. Maybe there is hope yet. Its been raining a lot here so havent had a chance to inspect again but will do asap, Thanks again, Sarah
  8. B

    First inspection, loads stores and only capped drone cells

    Yes I need an urgent trip to the opticians as having some contact lense issues! Yes first inspection actually opening the hive, Thanks Sarah
  9. B

    First inspection, loads stores and only capped drone cells

    Hi there, I've been beekeeping quite a few years but I'm a bit crap at it. I went to put the super on today and was surprised to see a lot of honey and pollen stores. I couldnt find the (unmarked) queen and could only see drone cells (with the raised cappings?). I couldn't eggs but my...