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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. cnb

    Desperately seeking help!

    In all honesty, I'd welcome the attention of the council, I have legitimate reason for doing so. Thanks for your support.
  2. cnb

    Desperately seeking help!

    I have considered this. I planned a fence of green barrier mesh to about 15 feet. It's on my radar to do. I have the mesh, it's fine enough that the bees wouldn't fly through it, but wouldn't be difficult to erect. Someone did say to me that once they go up, they are unlikely to come straight...
  3. cnb

    Desperately seeking help!

    Whilst trying to stay reasonable, I'd like to know what you surmise might be the whole story? The photo might have been a step too far, but I'm trying to learn what is normal beekeeping and what is not in an attempt to get to the bottom of the problem. Nobody knows who he is or where the photo...
  4. cnb

    Desperately seeking help!

    I did in the first post. They come over in a cloud, pretty much at ground level, the pathway to my home often becomes completely impassable. They do eventually settle somewhere, but in the hour or two after they leave the hive, it's terrifying to everyone (keep in mind we're not bee-keepers)...
  5. cnb

    Desperately seeking help!

    It's it legal/acceptable for me to set up bait hives? I'd be very open to this, but do not wish to become a beekeeper! Might I just attract bees from further afield that would not otherwise have visited me?
  6. cnb

    Desperately seeking help!

    It's sad, isn't it? I greatly support 'proper' beekeepers. I have a large garden with lots of foliage, including a 70+ foot Lime Tree that will soon be in flower and will be covered in bees. It's a spectacle and not one that generally bothers me as they go about their business and leave me...
  7. cnb

    Desperately seeking help!

    Apparently you risk the matter being officially classified as a 'dispute', which then sits on the records and has to be declared if/when you sell your home. I literally can't win!
  8. cnb

    Desperately seeking help!

    Hi Everyone. I'm desperately seeking help with a neighbourly bee issue. I'm having a lot of trouble with a neighbour who is keeping 6-8 hives in a very substandard way and in a small almost derelict corner of his garden surrounded on all sides by private domestic gardens. We have put up with...