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  1. J F

    Advice on a single sealed QC discovery

    Gave the hive a good once over. The queenright split is fairly low on bees but not desperate and still a reasonable amount of stores. Obviously most of the bees have drifted back. It on the same apiary only a couple metres away if that. I only turned the entrances so they are opposing. Queen...
  2. J F

    Advice on a single sealed QC discovery

    Mystery solved. The bump the hive received closed off both entrances to the drones. So yep, escape bid.... Everyone else seems to have been fine 🤞 will inspect later if it's not torrential...
  3. J F

    Advice on a single sealed QC discovery

    If I did it was inadvertent! These anel hives have a hinged reducer gate thingy (technical term) on two entrances. I would say it's possible I accidentally dropped both. Edit, actually I'm sure I left one wedged at an angle and closed the other.
  4. J F

    Advice on a single sealed QC discovery

    I thought that initially but they were head up so I'd guess not. Odd though. Unless maybe I had the queen reducer gate on the hive entrance.... I moved the quueenright lot to a anel plastic hive. Could've been a bid for escape? I'll have a better look tomorrow.
  5. J F

    Advice on a single sealed QC discovery

    Sorry to interrupt the academic debate 😂 but back OT.... Just come back to it after another 5 days away. Looks like a lot of drift has happened or I missed a QC and the queenright box has swarmed. A badger or similar also knocked the super a bit leaving 1cm gap of open brood box for good...
  6. J F

    Advice on a single sealed QC discovery

    Even better, none of that matters because I've still got the queen anyway 😁👍
  7. J F

    Advice on a single sealed QC discovery

    Thanks. Reassuring to know!
  8. J F

    Advice on a single sealed QC discovery

    So.... Back to the topic 😁 I inspected today. 5 capped and 2 uncapped queen cells with no larvae or eggs but.... I found the queen. I might've mistaken her for a VQ but for a bit of red paint. She's somehow rubbed off a lot of her red paint. Maybe it's come off after slimming down? She didn't...
  9. J F

    Advice on a single sealed QC discovery

    Some very interesting discussions here! I'm debating going in at the 5 day mark, probably tomorrow late afternoon. Then if I find the queen, doing a split. One with her, one with an isolated queen cell assuming they are present. If there are no queen cells or queen I can add a mated queen. But...
  10. J F

    Advice on a single sealed QC discovery

    Popped over today. LOTS of activity. It was hot but certainly a very congested entrance and lingering bees. 10-20 scout bees in and out of the bait hive about 20 yards away....
  11. J F

    Advice on a single sealed QC discovery

    This is as I understood it. But lots of contradictory advice on it... Not had the experience to know either way.
  12. J F

    Hi all from Somerset

    Certainly will. I'll fill out the necessaries shortly!
  13. J F

    Hi all from Somerset

    Taunton. But yes, pretty drizzly here too!
  14. J F

    Advice on a single sealed QC discovery

    Good to know. Ta!
  15. J F

    Advice on a single sealed QC discovery

    To be honest that depends on my eyes on the day. I'll take some glasses in case next time though you can rest assured!
  16. J F

    Advice on a single sealed QC discovery

    I'm not necessarily expecting loads but aware that my intervention might not have been ideal so prepared for some emergency cells.
  17. J F

    Advice on a single sealed QC discovery

    I'll try and find it!
  18. J F

    Advice on a single sealed QC discovery

    Also, definitely agree regards another hive. Definitely an aim so this will probably provide the necessity!
  19. J F

    Advice on a single sealed QC discovery

    The knocking down was based on advice in an article which advised it if young brood or eggs were present. But I do see what you are saying. In theory with very young brood and lots of nurse bees/sealedbrood and resources they should be able to produce more QCs?
  20. J F

    Advice on a single sealed QC discovery

    After some advice.... Have a colony in it's second year. From a local nuc of buckfast bees. They made it through winter well. No major issues, few wax moth larvae. They have filled a 10 frame langstroth brood box and I've put a shallow super on. Last inspection there was a lot of cross comb...