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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. C

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Checked that colony today, after giving them a few weeks to sort themselves out, get the VQ mated and get back to normal. Couldn’t spot the new Queen but loads of eggs and BIAS. All busy girls and still making masses of honey. Just magic. The old Queen is happy, next door in her nuc, laying...
  2. C

    Bees swarm and return daily

    I've had the same here, with almost daily swarms which return before long (although no swarm yesterday, so fingers crossed). This is a colony with plenty of room and stores, but with a new Princess. Two HIGHLY experienced beekeepers (both ex inspectors) advise that this is probably a mating...
  3. C

    Splitting for swarm control

    I’m no expert, but if you do what I did yesterday and split off a queen right nuc, you can always reunite if the parent hive doesn’t requeen itself effectively?
  4. C

    chunk honey cut from frame

    I stayed in a pub/hotel a few years ago and they had an entire frame of comb (still in the frame) mounted on a stainless drip tray which was set at an angle with a drain hole feeding a container. Guests could help themselves to as much comb as they wanted and the drips were funnelled into the...
  5. C

    Brood and a half - all the brood is in the half!

    I'm a newbie too (this is my first season) but the colony I acquired had made it strongly through the winter, albeit that the Queen had begun laying in the super. The (extremely highly experienced, ex inspector) beekeeper advised me to put the super at the bottom when we moved the frames into my...
  6. C

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    My colony was making moves to swarm, so I've just done a Queenright Nuc split, leaving some QCs in the parent hive to develop. I'll check them in a week and select the strongest/most popular sealed QC to retain, removing the rest. Every day is a learning day!
  7. C

    Hello from me!

    Hi, Just joined. Hope to learn and contribute. Thanks for having me along!