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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. CabrachCaveman

    Skinny Queen

    Has anyone had this before? I opened a hive last week, and found drone brood all through a super (I use drone foundation in my supers). Went through the hive, and found the queen down in the brood box. So thought maybe s laying worker in the super. Shook all the bees in the super off about 50...
  2. CabrachCaveman

    Hive "ownership"

    Hi all not sure where to post this, feel free to move it to the relevant section. Near to me is a trailer that has been sat there for about 5 years with 4 hives, and a nuc on it. Neither the game keepers that live over the road from the trailer, nor myself have ever seen anyone working the...
  3. CabrachCaveman

    Feeding frames back to the bees

    I know it's an old thread, but... Would this work with a modified crown board instead of the plastic?