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  1. W

    Wax for candlemaking

    Got some thanks, nice colour on them.
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    Wax for candlemaking

    Hi, do you have any left? If so how many?
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    Honey Wanted OSR honey for making soft set honey

    Anyone got some OSR honey to make soft set honey anywhere near North Wales?
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    Potential business startup

    I agree with this comment, our lack of knowledge meant that we lost all our first colonies. There is a lot more to learn than we realised. Still learning..
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    Wax for candlemaking

    How can you tell if it’s beeswax and not ‘cheaper’ wax? Is it obvious? Thinking I might ask the local association members if they have any to sell.
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    Wax for candlemaking

    Good to know, thanks.
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    Wax for candlemaking

    Some advice please. My 13 year old’s been taking an interest in our candle making. We only fo a few for family and friends using thorne wax and moulds. Thinking of asking around for some wax from other beekeepers. What’s the going rate for filtered wax suitable for candlesmaking in? Any...
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    Colony for Sale Nuc for sale (will be overwintered)

    2024 F1 Buckfast Queen. Delivery or collection during April 2025. Price £250.00 (£20 deposit) -balance due on collection or before despatcb Supplied in 6 frame Paynes poly nucleus boxes (UNPAINTED). You can pick up Pwllheli, North Wales or we can arrange delivery for an extra £30
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    Paynes Poly nuc feeders leaking

    Interesting, thanks. It didn’t feel right to paint the inside but it seems to be common practice.
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    Paynes Poly nuc feeders leaking

    We found a waterproof PVA that we’re going to try. And some gloss just in case. We bought some nucs from B S Honey and swapped them over, interestingly they only tell you to paint the outside. We just hope we haven’t upset the bees too much!
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    Paynes Poly nuc feeders leaking

    That’s what I fear will happen now. Well, lesson learnt the hard way. Will take more care to cover next time! Wasn’t keen on using gloss because of the fumes. Seems it’s normal practice though. Thanks for the advice.
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    Paynes Poly nuc feeders leaking

    Hi Jimmy, I did but with masonry paint, which Gloss paint do you use? How long do you let dey before using the box?
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    Paynes Poly nuc feeders leaking

    Hi Bought a load of paynes poly nucs, painted them with masonry paint. Whent to inspect them yesterday after feeding with syrup the day before and most the nucs are leaking the syrup! Purchased a few last year, used the same paint no problem! Any suggestions? We want the bees going in strong...
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    Honey yield from 1 national super

    That's interesting thanks everyone, our experience has been in the 20's with the exception of the year before last. Just wondered if our calcs where correct before investing in new equipment.
  15. W

    Honey yield from 1 national super

    Hi everyone, just working out some calculations and interested to know how much honey others are getting out of 1 national super? What's you estimation please? Thanks