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  1. J

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    I sell at £5 for 8oz, £7 for 12oz and £9 for lb. Mainly £5 sell an honesty box outside the garden on a track which is popular for walkers and cycling.
  2. J


    I extracted all the osr and this is too dark.
  3. J


    I think the yellow cappings are a mixture of dandelions and hawkbits, similar to dandelion. The honey I've realized,is heather! Trouble extracting it, so will give what doesn't spin back to the bees. First time I've had heather, the wet July must have done it.
  4. J


    Could well be. Never seen yellow cappings before tho.
  5. J


    My cappings from one apiary are much more yellow than white and the honey darker than usual...any ideas why or what the forage is?
  6. J

    A couple of questions from my first proper end of season extraction.

    If the face of your comb isn't even, after extraction do you even it?
  7. J

    A couple of questions from my first proper end of season extraction.

    Where did you find the strainer bucket?
  8. J

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Sorting through surplus brood and super frames prior to winter storage. What does anyone do with some mouldy pollen in supers ( not used as brood frames) choices are , A leave the bees to sort it. B. Help them by using a dental pick to scrape the affected bits back to foundation.or C. Melt the...
  9. J

    Preparing for winter

  10. J

    Preparing for winter

    I think I'll warm one tubful in the microwave gently, leave another ti absorb moisture under a cake cover and liquify a third in a this space!
  11. J

    Preparing for winter

    Its totally hard reckon it will absorb water from a damp atmosphere? Covered or uncovered
  12. J

    Preparing for winter

    Its totally hard reckon it will absorb water from a damp atmosphere? Covered or uncovered?
  13. J

    Preparing for winter

    I've started feeding syrup as very little summer stores. What does anyone do with fondant that has gone hard?