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  1. Mark Robson

    Preparing for winter

    Thanks for the advice, very helpful. When I treat for varroa am I right in thinking any honey would only be good for bee consumption? So would it be a good opportunity to take the last of the honey off before doing that and then leave the super off?
  2. Mark Robson

    Preparing for winter

    Hi I’ve got a 14x12 brood box with a super on it at the moment. Do I take the super off to lessen the available space and if so would that size brood box provide sufficient space for stores to see them through the winter or should I leave the super on? My understanding is they don’t want masses...
  3. Mark Robson

    Dummy board

    Hi I’ve got my first 14x12 national hive, all is going well, frames being drawn out, etc etc. I know what the recommended use of a dummy board is for but do I actually I need to use one, couldn’t I just put another frame in to give the bees and extra frame to draw on to?