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  1. A

    Drone Laying Queen or Laying Workers

    Thanks, I was leaning towards the dispatch and unite with another colony when I thought it was DLQ. Was worried about LW killing the other queen if uniting so wanted to be sure. But if LW killing queens is a myth then I'll be going down the uniting route. Thanks for the advice.
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    Drone Laying Queen or Laying Workers

    if it is laying workers and I gatepost the queen and unite the colony with another, is there a risk that the laying workers will kill the queen in the colony I unite them with?
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    Drone Laying Queen or Laying Workers

    I've edited original post and included photos of capped brood
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    Drone Laying Queen or Laying Workers

    Hmmm, interesting read. So there have been other cases where queens are laying on the sides of the cells and sometimes two egg per cell. I'm pretty certain i also have drone brood in worker cells, which is something else mentioned in point 6 and elsewhere in that document. Will confirm when I...
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    Drone Laying Queen or Laying Workers

    better picture of queen, does she still look short?
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    Drone Laying Queen or Laying Workers

    I'll pop out and get a pic this afternoon. That line in your signature "being a beekeeper is alike being an expert in feelings of panic, relief and despair interspersed with brief moments of deep joy and contentment" :ROFLMAO: that is absolutely spot on!
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    Drone Laying Queen or Laying Workers

    Hi All Your help would be greatly appreciated. Trying to work out if I have a drone laying queen or laying workers. Some pics attached and description below. Location is Stirlingshire, Scotland. Weather for most of this year has been absolutely dismal. Max temperature didn't rise above 15c...
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    Is my new queen a dud?

    Ah, okay, gotcha.
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    Is my new queen a dud?

    It was a 6 frame nuc that I originally added to a national brood box. When I added the 1/2 brood there was only 3 frames of undrawn foundation, with 6 frames with BIAS and 1 frame of drawn comb. I later removed a problematic frame and replaced with new foundation which is why I now have 4...
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    Is my new queen a dud?

    yes, the queen that i saw in the hive a couple of days ago is the same marked queen that was introduced. The mark is quite distinctive as it didn't make a nice round yellow dot on her thorax, was more of a crescent shape
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    Is my new queen a dud?

    Would if I could, first year beeking and I only have the one hive so don't have anywhere to transfer open brood in from. This first year has taught me that I should really have a least two hives, so I'm grabbing a second from the Thorne sale this weekend in readiness to run two next year.
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    Is my new queen a dud?

    I'm running brood and a half. In the full brood chamber there was 4 frames with undrawn foundation. 1 frame with about 25% pollen and the rest empty cells (though this was on the very back of the chamber) The rest of the frames were honey and capped drone brood although not completely...
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    Is my new queen a dud?

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    Is my new queen a dud?

    This is a follow up to my post from a few weeks ago. I had to go for a two week holiday shortly after that last post. The push in cage from BeckysBeezzz didn't arrive in time either. So I just had to leave things as they were and hope for the best whilst I was away. Just got back on Saturday...
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    Introduced New Queen after Laying Workers - Findings from first inspection and what next?

    She has a few attendants in with her. If I could transfer them too would they nurse the brood or is their role going to stay purely attending the queen? I can see that there might be an advantage of using one of these. Because if the other bees kill her when released from the push in cage, at...
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    Introduced New Queen after Laying Workers - Findings from first inspection and what next?

    Worth a shot, have ordered one. But I expect they’ll have released her before it arrives, they really were extremely close to having her out already (there was a hole through the plug, just not big enough for a bee to pass through yet).
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    Anyone bringing shade to their bees for the forecast heat wave?

    No, but then the top temperature where I am is going to max out at only 26-27 for a few hours on two days. The rest of the time it is going to be high teens/low twenties. I might top up the water station I have for them, but TBH don't think that will even be necessary as there is lots of...
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    When to inspect after introducing new queen

    Add RichardK to that list ;)
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    When to inspect after introducing new queen

    Have posted update as part of new thread as I now have many more/different questions
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    Introduced New Queen after Laying Workers - Findings from first inspection and what next?

    This is an update on my findings following "dealing" with laying workers and introducing a new queen (original thread When to inspect after introducing new queen). Grateful for any advice. Okay, so just been out to inspect. Here what I think are the key points: New queen is still alive but...