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  1. G

    Taking in pollen

    Thank you for your replies. Someday when I get home I will open them up but I am not expecting to see anything different than before.
  2. G

    Taking in pollen

    Sorry, thought I had when I joined. Am in Northern Ireland. Will get that sorted now.
  3. G

    Taking in pollen

    We usually see our bees on ivy from around 2nd Sept but this year the ivy has started to bloom earlier and a lot of it is being worked presently. We usually get a lot of briars in blossom right throughout August but this year it was a total non event possibly due to the weather and we only saw...
  4. G

    Taking in pollen

    Evening, How reliable is it to assume that bees taking in pollen have a laying queen in the hive? This is just to satisfy my own curiosity really. Have a hive that has no queen and despite introducing a queen which was killed and putting in frames of eggs I did not see any sign of a queen...
  5. G


    Thank you for all the replies. Seems to be a multitude of scents that may cause the bees to kick off. I usually shower at night using Radox shower gel but would have thought this would have worm off by the next afternoon when I do my inspections but it will be the first thing I change. Don't use...
  6. G


    My dad wears hearing aids that he always takes off before inspections as he thinks the high pitch whine is annoying the bees. I am on blood pressure medication but can't say that I have noticed any difference in my body odour but it could be a very slight scent that I am not aware of but the...
  7. G


    No change to my health then I am aware of and not at all scsrd of them. Very happy to be working around them but concerned that I seem to be attracting angry attention even before I start working. Opened a hive today but even before I had got near they were pinging off my veil even though my dad...
  8. G


    Evening, I have recently noticed that I am attracting the attention of angry bees far more than in the past. When opening hives or even getting ready to do inspections near the hives there are usually bees trying to sting me and yet other folk seem to be ignored. I don't smoke, use strong...
  9. G

    Apilife Var

    Again,thank you all for the replies. I have been watching the bees most of the afternoon and there seems to be no issue with them.Still very busy even though the weather is not great but there is an abundance of ivy so they have been drawing that on for the past 3 weeks. As for the instructions...
  10. G

    Apilife Var

    Thank you all for the replies,what I have done is break the two wafers (1 whole packet) into 4 and placed this in one hive then used another packet for another hive. Bees busy now and a fair smell of tymol coming from the hives but there are again some dead and very dozy bees around the...
  11. G

    Apilife Var

    Morning, Apologies if this has been asked before but I could not find any other threads dealing with this issue. I treated 2 of my hives on Sat with Apilife Var but in my haste didn't realise the one tablet was meant to be for two hives.I broke each into 4 pieces and put it in the 4 corners of...
  12. G

    Will my bees kill an introduced queen?

    No sign of a queen having emerged but I will do an inspection on Sunday or Monday if it is a bit cooler. I like the idea of uniting with a queen right colony but am fearful of losing the queen due to the initial colony having been without a queen for so long.I hived a swarm about a month ago and...
  13. G

    Will my bees kill an introduced queen?

    Thank you for all the replies and advice.I never thought a first post would bring so much interest!! I hope that there is a virgin queen in the hive, it would be great to bring them back from inevitable death as they were a very productive hive before and even now are producing honey.They were a...
  14. G

    Will my bees kill an introduced queen?

    The bees died on 7th May,last frame of eggs introduced towards end of June with capped QC's observed on 23rd June.Since that no sign of a queen and as of last weekend no eggs or any other evidence of a laying queen or any queen to be exact. With the cause of death put aside would anyone...
  15. G

    Will my bees kill an introduced queen?

    I would have thought the same but there is no way that the hive that was inspected on a Thursday night and had a almost full super of honey plus fondant on top all died of starvation at the one time and were dead or dying by late afternoon the following day. When I inspected the hive on the...
  16. G

    Will my bees kill an introduced queen?

    Sorry,last frame with capped queen cells was observed on 23 June.On subsequent inspections all queen cells torn down.Last inspection last Sat where there aere no eggs etc observed.
  17. G

    Will my bees kill an introduced queen?

    Hi,they drew out queen cells on only one of the frames of eggs we put in the hive (Have placed a frame with eggs into the hive on 5 occasions).On this last attempt they drew out 9 queen cells,we took 3 of these off to put into another hive which had lost a queen and left the 6 remaining cells in...
  18. G

    Will my bees kill an introduced queen?

    Morning all,this is my first post here and already looking for advice. On 7th May I came home from work to find a lot of dead bees outside a hive at my house.I only have one hive there but others elsewhere. I had inspected the hives the previous evening and there was nothing amiss.I opened the...