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  1. P

    Plastic frames

    But you could recycle poly into insulation for a shed etc Plastic frames or poly hives don't you just clean with bleach whereas you would scorch if wooden?
  2. P

    Plastic frames

    I do have some old not so good frames so they all need renewing so I'll have a go 😊 Thanks
  3. P

    Plastic frames

    These are medium langstroth and I haven't got any drawn out
  4. P

    Plastic frames

    Brilliant I will feed syrup and put them on that saves me waxing all of them
  5. P

    Plastic frames

    Hi I have some plastic frames that I bought just wondering if I will get away without waxing them? Anyone had a go and what are the results? Thanks
  6. P

    What should I have done?

    I have seen some flowering now
  7. P


    Hi just wondered when or if there were any sales on with the big