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  1. N


    Thanks for your help and advice guys
  2. N


    Thanks for the info pargyle, I did see one varroa mite whilst uncapping the drone brood but not as many as I would have thought. I will do a varroa check on the brood box and treat with MAQS if a high(ish) count is seen. I will then return the supers to the hive for the workers to clean up. thanks
  3. N


    Hi, On inspections I, like most I fancy, lifted the supers off and concentrated on the brood box. Over the winter the QE was removed and replaced end of April. How the queen ended up in the supers I have no idea, maybe she was small enough after emerging to get through the QE and swelled...
  4. N


    Cutting a long story short, I had 2 supers with a trapped virgin queen, above the queen excluder, in the brood box I had a marked, mated queen, she was laying brood normally. The virgin queen was laying only drone brood in the supers, naturally the drones couldn't get out through the excluder...
  5. N


  6. N

    New member

    Thanks for the add. I live in Bury, Greater Manchester and have three hives in my back yard. I have been bee keeping for about 4 years after attending an introduction course at Manchester and District Beekeepers association (MDBKA)