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  1. LiamAiden

    Maisemore bee nucs just so angry

    Problem is they won’t cap it �� and I noticed they capped the worker size.
  2. LiamAiden

    Maisemore bee nucs just so angry

    Yes, I will try again but because of my work, email suits me better as they are closed by the time I’m home. They also sent me an entire hive full of drone foundation and as a beginner I did not realise this. I ended up with a split that had 6 drone foundation drawn out and 4 drawn out drone...
  3. LiamAiden

    Maisemore bee nucs just so angry

    Thanks, that sounds like a great plan! And yes, I still have the green marked queen. Appreciate the advice!
  4. LiamAiden

    Maisemore bee nucs just so angry

    Im considering finally giving up on these bees. I have given them so many chances and I keep giving excuses in my head as to why they are so bad tempered. I always handle them with great care. I had originally had some problems from the start as the nuc came with swarm cells and I struggled to...
  5. LiamAiden

    Queen cells

  6. LiamAiden

    Queen cells

    Just got one, thanks for info!. Will have a read and see if I have any other questions before I make a start .
  7. LiamAiden

    Queen cells

    Ok, thanks, see what I can do this week, just got another hive to try and sort this out, although nuc be fine to start.
  8. LiamAiden

    Queen cells

    Thanks for posting your same experience, it helps a lot. I'm wondering if I artificial swarm them as by the instructions in this post, could I just requeen the colony that is in the hive?, Instead of letting them hatch a new queen, or would this mean they think they haven't swarmed?. Maybe...
  9. LiamAiden

    Queen cells

    Hiya Yes I payed £270 for the nuc from a very well know local place (although I don't recommend them now lol) the queen is green marked so that's 2019?
  10. LiamAiden

    Queen cells

    That's what I had read about and confirms my thoughts of destroying the cells being atleast 20 year old method ��. Ok few questions: So the nuc will be a new colony, how long can I leave them in this nuc before they need a new home?. im guessing if I'm adding two new frames of foundation I...
  11. LiamAiden

    Queen cells

    I destroyed them as advised, but so many opinions on this and not sure if it's the right way to go
  12. LiamAiden

    Queen cells

    I'm sure this is asked so many times, my apologies. I have done a lot of my own research but want some opinions ��. I have had my bees since mid April. I'm pretty sure my nuc came with a swarm cell on it at early stage development. The colony has increased and currently has one super that...
  13. LiamAiden

    Few beginner questions.

    Although I have read quite a bit before starting, I still have a few areas where I'm not 100% sure. Hopefully someone can just guide me on these. * in winter it says 'remove all supers', but then it goes on to say; 'don't take any honey for the first year'. My bees have fields of wild...
  14. LiamAiden

    New Oxfordshire based bee keeper

    Hi to all! I'm Liam, I just started out with bee keeping. I'm based in Oxfordshire and fortunate enough to have some lovely land to start this adventure. I have obviously spent the winter watching DVDs, reading books and following some interesting bee keepers on YouTube. I have started out...