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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. P

    Feeding with Stored Supers - Top or Bottom or...?

    Thanks for the replies. My wax moth is a (relatively) minor issue (nothing like some of the photos on here) a few tracks, some poo and a bit of silk in places - which I can cut out or scrape off with the uncapping tool/ From reading around - the freezing takes care of moth, larvae and pupa -...
  2. P

    Feeding with Stored Supers - Top or Bottom or...?

    Relative Newbie, (hopefully) I'm learning from my mistakes but making different ones each year... 2022 was a phenomenal year for honey here but 'Life' happened in late August so I (foolishly) didn't extract everything as soon as I took it off the hives. Wax moth then hatched/migrated to the...
  3. P

    Do I need a course before starting?

    As a relative newbie myself (just completing my 2nd year) my suggestions are: You have to experience the inside of an active hive before you start. On my beginners' course, a couple of people decided it wasn't for them after the first week (others quickly took their place) Join the local...
  4. P

    Are you thinking of joining octopus for electricity?

    If you are really interested in energy monitoring (at a circuit level as well as whole house) it is worth exploring the iotawatt unit. Ships from the states but used internationally. Has a well supported user forum. Open source hardware and software (but easier to just buy the base unit from...