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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. buaras

    the reason for feeding colony sugar.....

    I've found this website which gives information on feeding bees it's by Dawn Yates who writes...... SECTION A - FEEDING HONEYBEES 1.The reasons for feeding a colony sugar are: a) To provide adequate stores for winter (rapid feeding). b) To provide...
  2. buaras

    bees in packages suppliers

    Cheers poly, I'd rather have a package because my hive is commercial but most nucs come in National. Unless you know someone who sells commercial nucs? I'm tad new to this...a 'newbie' :D
  3. buaras

    bees in packages suppliers

    I’m just wondering does anyone know of a supplier who sells bees in packages rather than nucs? and if possible the average price?
  4. buaras

    The Last of the Honeybees (More 4)

    Hi Mr B Thanks for the welcome I'm harrow based and yes those hives are in Garden but they're empty at the moment. I’ve built them from scratch and I've just completed my course, hopefully I'll place them on my allotment plot this spring, when I get the go-ahead from my council.
  5. buaras

    The Last of the Honeybees (More 4)

    Hi guys this is my first post, so I thought I'd introduce myself with a little gift; I'm sure some of you have already seen the Channel 4 episode The Last of the Honeybees which was aired on October, for those of you who missed it first time round, it'll be repeated on More4 (Channel 138 & 139...