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  1. V

    urgent advice needed

    here is the story, Im in Wales On weekly inspection last weeek i noticed swarm cells on the bottomo of my frames. Went to do an artificial sawrm. Put old brood box in new location Put new brood box in old location Put queen and one frame of brood in old location. Kept my eye on her as i moved...
  2. V

    nosema and supers opinions and advice please

    lovely, good advice, from all, many thanks
  3. V

    nosema and supers opinions and advice please

    interesting, would you advise holding off on the fumadil b for a couple of weeks to see how it pans out? I was uncertain about the nosema as it never looked as severe as that. oh, and profile done.
  4. V

    nosema and supers opinions and advice please

    fair bit of **** on the outside of the hive
  5. V

    nosema and supers opinions and advice please

    thanks Rab, yes, in wales and no queen cells yet, The main flow is mid july to end august, but the first trees to flower (for bees) here will be end of march. Im feeling that I want to avoid making increase until next year just so's I can have a nice crop. The brood is a sigle brood box, there...
  6. V

    nosema and supers opinions and advice please

    Hello, here is the situation 1st hive started from nuc last june, they had filled a super by the end of summer (mostly syrup) so the bee inspector advised just remove the queen excluder and leave it on over winter. So it was sunny (amazing) last week so I went to have a peek and there are the...