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  1. B

    6 weeks in to Beekeeping. Completely stressed!

    Always found it hard to see eggs. 8 frames of brood I think
  2. B

    6 weeks in to Beekeeping. Completely stressed!

    Just done my 5th ever inspection of our hive. Bees seem calm but for 3rd inspection, no sign of the queen. For the first time, I see 8-10 queen cells. Most sealed but no sign of swarming? In a panic I got rid of most (see attached photo) then realised maybe queen has gone and they need a new...
  3. B

    5 Weeks in...

    Thanks Enrico. When we went on our intro course we were advised to go deep brood box which we now realise complicates matters regarding the supply of a nuc which are mostly on standard frames - but hopefully worth it in the long run :) Also thanks Millet for the photo - yes, this is what we have...
  4. B

    5 Weeks in...

    :thanks: Definitely a steep learning curve! We have some frame extensions but having read stuff online, decided it would be too complicated to add them to full frames. Maybe we will rethink? Sounds like we need to invest in a second Brood box. Our first jar of honey will be the most expensive...
  5. B

    5 Weeks in...

    Hi Enrico At the moment the 6 standard frames are in the middle of the brood box (warm way) with 3 deep frames near the entrance and 2 deep frames near the back. The 2 outside frames (front and back) have very little drawn comb on them yet but if I started rotating as you suggest then, if I...
  6. B

    5 Weeks in...

    Hello everyone. :welcome: We received our first nuc with Queen Hilary at the end of May. Really enjoying the whole beekeeping thing. Learning new stuff every day. I have my first question for the forum. Our nuc had National standard frames but our hive has a deep brood box. The bees are building...