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  1. T

    Bad Reaction To Sting.

    Yep, a tube of Anthisan went straight into my bee box after the first bad sting, and I'll now start taking two antihistamines before I go to the hives. As a working drummer I can't afford not to be able to use my hands and feet... like I currently can't!
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    Bad Reaction To Sting.

    I was just coming to post about my most recent sting escapade when I saw your posting about a bad reaction... I have a reaction like that every time I get stung. First ever sting on my arm had no reaction what-so-ever. Since then, the swelling and pain has increased each time. I thought the...
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    Capping & Harvesting

    ...yet another reason why I love this forum!! As a beginner, it's very hard to learn the nuances of beekeeping. The endless book reading and video watching only teaches so much. The years and years of first hand experience and knowledge is invaluable! Thanks again!
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    Capping & Harvesting

    As it happens, I've just this second ordered one!
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    Capping & Harvesting

    So, despite there being uncapped cells, it's OK to harvest? Treating is next on the list for winter prep!! Thank you for the advice. :thanks:
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    Capping & Harvesting

    Hi all. Apologies of this has been asked before. I've done a bit of trawling, but can't find anything to help really. Firstly, I know I am a little late in my harvesting, but I harvested mid September last year and had a good amount from two first year colonies. Not recommended, but both...
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    Flying bees returning to garden

    They took to the empty hives I put in the garden in the original spots so I thought I would block the entrances in the evening and move the bees back to the new location. Strangely, after dark, there wasn't a single bee in any of the 3 hives in my garden despite being busy in the day. Think I...
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    Flying bees returning to garden

    I did take the topography into account and there are 2 hills and a woodland between my garden and the new location... Maybe they just really like my garden! :D
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    Flying bees returning to garden

    Hi all, I moved 3 hives from my garden last night, to a spot just over a mile away. Now, I know about the 3ft / 3 miles rule, so I stuck a load of leaves and sticks in the hive entrances in an attempt to confuse the bees into thinking their location has changed and re-orientating themselves...
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    Strong Colony Spilt & Rejuvinating Weak Colony

    I don't have a poly nuc, unfortunately. I could order one and I could reduce down with dummy boards and insulate inside BB in the meantime.
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    Strong Colony Spilt & Rejuvinating Weak Colony

    :yeahthat: I've read too many posts of short, confusing information. With lots of subsequent posts trying to explain a given situation. I figure it all helps in making a choice going forward and helps those I am asking to help me!
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    Strong Colony Spilt & Rejuvinating Weak Colony

    Hi all, Edit - Full Story Below: Did a quick inspection this evening during a brief spell of afternoon sun. Colony 1: Fine and growing well. Colony 2: Queen still not laying - only been almost 2 weeks. Low bee numbers. Colony 3: ONE CAPPED QC + 4 or 5 UNCAPPED QC's present in BB1. BB2...
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    Harvesting & Winter Prep

    All great advice, guys! Thank you very much. I have decided to harvest what honey there is and feed. The weather is still relatively mild so I'm hoping there's another month of potential feeding and winter prep time. Plus I'm hoping that my insulation (when it goes on) will keep them warm...
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    Harvesting & Winter Prep

    Because I'ma bit of a worrier. :hairpull: No matter how much reading I've done and videos I've watched, my bees always seem to do things differently. :D Basically I'm concerned that, even though people are saying they'll take as much feed as they need as quickly as possible, that they actually...
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    Harvesting & Winter Prep

    Ok, thanks!! So, will wax used for brood in the supers be converted into honey stores over the season? The reason I don't want to harvest is purely because I want to give them a sporting chance. Don't get me wrong... I LOVE honey and I have a list of potential customers as long as my arm. But...
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    Harvesting & Winter Prep

    Hi all, I have some questions about prepping my hives for winter. I have 3 hives, all started from Nucs in late April. Not have which have grown to full broods nor collected a full super (due to other problems earlier in the season). The best of the 3 hives has 6 full frames of honey, the...
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    Help needed with queen cells in nuc and new hive!

    Good evening! I need a little bit of help regarding the queen cells I found in my hives today. Hive 1 has was transferred from its 6 frame nuc a week ago. They had been in the nuc a while and brood was on 5 frames. When I put them into the hive, I didn't see any queen cells. I added 2 extra...
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    Two nucs on the same site...

    Ah yes. I should have said - each nuc is from a different source. However, both local to me and to each other: circa 5 miles radius.
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    Two nucs on the same site...

    Hi all, Over the next couple of weeks I will be receiving my first two nucs. They will be rehived onto the same site. I understand that I need to leave my nucs in the hive spots for a few days before moving into hives. Should I leave a couple of days between moving each nuc into its hive to...
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    Timber sizes for National Hive

    Yes, that is great info and all makes sense. My boss did suggest the same method for achieving the desired width, but I think with the season rapidly approaching and my available time for construction/access to my boss' workshop, the ply option will have to suffice for now. Maybe in the future...