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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. F

    Toast of London

    Did anyone ever watch this show? There was a beekeeper joke in there somewhere. Fantastically funny throughout though and highly recommended. :hat:
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    Biggest challenge for complete beginner

    What would you say is the biggest challenge in setting up in beekeeping for a complete beginner?
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    Raw Balkan Black Locust Honey

    Has anyone heard of this before? I wonder if black locust trees are able to thrive in the south west of england.
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    Declining Bee Populations

    What's the latest research saying in terms of bee decline? I want to do my part my starting out beekeeping and I want to educate my friends and family about what they can do other than boycott Monsanto products.
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    Coldsore cream

    Where can you get heather honey?
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    Face book groups

    I am interested in Facebook groups for Bristol area. Can't seem to find anything by searching Facebook though :/
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    What's the best time of year to start a colony?

    I feel like I've come here to start planning my colony at the wrong time of year. I guess there's plenty to learn in the meantime. When would you experts say is the best time of year to open up?
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    Hi from Dubai

    Good luck with it. Interested to know how you get on.
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    Hello from Bristol

    Also in Bristol. Any chance you can furnish me with contact details for the Bristol groups you mention?
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    Hello from bradford

    Is there a local group for Bristol / Somerset area?
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    looking to get a hive

    I'm thinking about Dadant too. Worth the investment if you are a beginner?
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    Honey beer

    check out byo dot com. they have a section on it. Good luck!
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    Hi from Somerset UK

    Hi, new to beekeeping. Got a mate who does it so looking to learn from him and you guys.