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  1. B

    Forgot to destroy queencups after split🙄

    Hi, Have the one national and saw yesterday that had a good few queen cells with larva in them, split them today, put the queen and frames into Nuc and left the other hive queenless hoping they'll make their own queen soon. Afterwards cause I was in a rush I forgot to destroy all queen cells in...
  2. B

    Which artificial swarm should I use?

    So that Dave cushman method seems simple enough to split, or should I invest in a brood box and do it that way?
  3. B

    Which artificial swarm should I use?

    Yeah I've a full national hoping to split, tell me if I'm wrong, do you mean just transfer over a frame of eggs and larve into poly and place the poly where the national was, all of foragers will go back to the new poly and will develop own queen. I was thinking of transferring over...
  4. B

    Which artificial swarm should I use?

    For this would I need an other brood box? I've only a poly Nuc and wooden Nuc at the minute.
  5. B

    Which artificial swarm should I use?

    Hi, I've just the one wooden national hive, they seem to be doing good with brood, etc, I'm hoping to split it into a poly nuc over the next few weeks, I am hoping to leave the original queen in the national hive for honey reasons but if it's best to move her I will, whats the best way to go...