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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. sinya1sinya

    Culling emergency queen cells

    In a queenless split (flying bees, nurse bees, brood/eggs & open queen cells), is it necessary/advisable to 'thin' the number of Queen cells produced/sealed??? Could the hive still swarm & cast with virgins??
  2. sinya1sinya

    What to do

    Do you use the clear flimsy plastic sheet/crown board supplied by Maisemore? Any worries with ventilation? Is there no need for a crown board with frame to allow bees over the tops of frames?
  3. sinya1sinya

    Poly hive questiions

    I purchased a poly hive from Maisemore and was supplied with a flimsy plastic sheet as a crown board, which would lie completely flat against the tops of frames in National Hive. This can't be right surely? I thought that 5-6-7mm bee space required so bees could walk over frames. Also zero...