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  1. P

    Summer varroa treatment in Italy

    Yes stopping queen from laying for s long, would be suicide for you and me... BUT! Eyeman said it just about right. The guy who sold me bees, does more of professional bee production, than honey production. I asked him how to fight varroa. He said it like this (and this happens naturally for...
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    Has anyone used Amitraz for treating varroa?

    Why amitraz and why not Hi all, I was looking for proper topic to represent my work in last couple of months, but i ended up here. This is interesting, because it is now time of greatest opinion collisions in Serbia regarding, should we treat mites with insecticides or use some of the organic...
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    SUNflower Honestly, IDK. Sunflower is considered a good quality honey, but! Since beekeeper has to move his hives to other region, i never had a chance to try it because none of beekeepers in my area move hives to sunflower fileds. As i said, not everyone has such conditions to move hives. It...
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    Hello, well i live in the dead center of Serbia, and here is a bit difficult as i understand. I say that way because i started this year, and have yet to experience forage conditions "on my skin". Like in any other part of the world, if one moves his hives for forage from place to place, one...
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    Hello everyone. My name is Saša. I live in Serbia, and i started out with two package swarms this June. I populated two Dadant 10 hives, and this is how they look like. I built everything except one brood box on the right (i was out of wood) :D