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  1. S

    Late Varroa Treatment Due to Bereavement - Help!

    Good to stir up a storm sometimes - especially if it a constructive one. I believe they were well looked after and were definately treated in the spring with, possibly Thymovar, I think you and many others may be right with the sublimation from the reading I have been doing. I have been...
  2. S

    Late Varroa Treatment Due to Bereavement - Help!

    Evening, I have been a silent observer up until now. I have a few hives and only started this year - I was sold aggressive Bees in 14 x 12! Not a pleasant year, however a bit of re-queening later and recovering from 2 x swarms and a drone layer I think I am now doing ok! No followers, no...
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    Late Varroa Treatment Due to Bereavement - Help!

    Anyone has experience of this? Thank you all for the comments
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    Late Varroa Treatment Due to Bereavement - Help!

    MAQs might kill her?
  5. S

    Late Varroa Treatment Due to Bereavement - Help!

    I am just North of Lincoln.
  6. S

    Late Varroa Treatment Due to Bereavement - Help!

    Thank you, when would this be done? Where can I buy Oxalic Acid in quick time?
  7. S

    Late Varroa Treatment Due to Bereavement - Help!

    Hi all, I have been asked through my partners work if I can assist in looking to treat 2 hives for Varroa. Unfortunately this is due to bereavement and the hives being untreated as a result. What can I treat with now that will have some effectiveness? Or is it too late? Any advice would be...