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  1. P

    stores in super

    Hi all I have some supers with some frames with uncapped stores in . What's best to do with them ? Their nationals and have brood over super at mo as feeding syrup. Thanks for any help .
  2. P

    Swarm in supers

    Thanks all . Will go with brood box on stand then get shallow frames into 1 super on top of that and feed 50 / 50 .
  3. P

    Swarm in supers

    Overwinter on brood and half but standard brood through rest of season.Liking 18x12 all season so will move that way now I'm on my own with bees . Under mentors watch till now .
  4. P

    Swarm in supers

    About 3 weeks . Not huge but Ok size . She's laying up Ok.
  5. P

    Swarm in supers

    Eve all . Had a swarm couple weeks back and had to put it in 2 supers. Checked tokay and queen laying Ok so now need to get into brood box. National hives .Only Prob don't have any drawn brood foundation only new . Have 2 other hives .Adrian .
  6. P

    New Queen back . Qc present. Help please

    Yeah sorry meant emerged q not hatched . So queen in there is a Virgin .Was just wondering what to do with Queen cell that's been reared . As she's a new queen ( mated or not yet ) if new q emerges there shouldn't be any swarm issues should there ? Leaving alone anyway . Thanks for replies .
  7. P

    New Queen back . Qc present. Help please

    Let colony raise Queen cells , knocked them off bar 1.Queen cell hatched about 5 days ago and present. Old clipped queen dead outside hive . New queen cell in brood and capped.Adrian
  8. P

    New Queen back . Qc present. Help please

    HI all re Queened 1 hive and she hatched about 5 days ago .She's in but no eggs yet . Bees polishing cells . Have reared new Queen cell so shall I leave ? Think I read somewhere they can do this until she's laying . Found clipped Queen dead on floor under entrance. Thanks for any help. Adrian .
  9. P

    Swarm in spare boxes

    Brood in 2 supers with Queen present . Eggs and brood also. Clearing other supers into these
  10. P

    Swarm in spare boxes

    Thanks for replies. Been in there about 10 days . Haven't been able to do a lot about them sooner as hurt back and couldn't move . Eggs in there for sure .Running standard national brood .
  11. P

    Swarm in spare boxes

    HI there first post as beekeeper . On my own after being mentored . Checked bees other day and a swarm has got into spare supers . Queen present but couldn't see here . How do I go about getting them onto a brood . Haven't any spare drawn comb , only new. Thanks in advance Adrian .