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  1. R

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Bees flying from both my hives today. 9 degrees today and supposed to reach 13 by Sunday.
  2. R

    Supercedure and splitting hives

    Looked for eggs/queen yesterday and found neither. Still a healthy number of bees in both boxes. As snelgrove intimated though in spite of those two queen cells both being in the 'classic' supercedure positions on the frames the bees were actually preparing for swarming. In both boxes they have...
  3. R

    Supercedure and splitting hives

    Ok I get that, but may have no choice as the original queen does not seem to be around. Will check for her again this week. As for uniting the hives, I agree if they are both strong then no point, but if one or both is weak.....or if you need to replace an ageing queen. Hopefully neither case...
  4. R

    Supercedure and splitting hives

    No I hadn't extracted any honey yet, as this was a new colony (and my first in this area) I was letting them build up to be as strong as possible for the coming winter. I was looking to take the honey they were just finishing and force them to use the super, when the supercedure started so my...
  5. R

    Supercedure and splitting hives

    Hi snelgrove Double brood boxes is a common thing round here and further North. We have very good foraging available so hopefully will be able to sustain them. I will have to see how things go, I used to be based in Northumberland where they only seemed to use single boxes. Perhaps it was the...
  6. R

    Supercedure and splitting hives

    Thanks for the response oliver90owner Could you expand on your last paragraph please. If supercedure is taking place then surely it would be retaining her genes, or am I missing something? The queen had laid well in both boxes yes, but I have not seen her in the last two inspections and she was...
  7. R

    Supercedure and splitting hives

    Thought I would share my recent experience as it may help others, either to do the same (if it works) or to avoid the issue (if it fails). I am also open to suggestions if you think I should be doing things differently. But first let me take you back a few days...... Thursday, 4th June...