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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. N

    Which Nuc to use to requeen a strong hive.

    I have a strong hive which is queenless and has a laying worker. Which nuc should I use to queen the hive? A strong nuc on 5 frames within 3 feet of the queenless hive. Or a small nuc on 3 frames some 50 yards away, if I use this one I will loose the flying bees which will be acceptable as the...
  2. N

    lost swarms

    I have been keeping bees for 60 years, and have only lost the odd one in the past. All the swarms were collected over 7 miles from where I where I relocated them. Just seems odd that I should loose 4 when I have treated them the same as in the past. The only difference is the local bee...
  3. N

    lost swarms

    I have collected 5 swarms so far this year but only the smallest has stayed complete. The first 2 were from the same chimney 1 week apart. They were both put in 6 frame nuc boxes with new frames. The next was a small swarm in a hedge hog box and that has stayed. I collected a large swarm from...
  4. N

    September Honey Flow

    I took off 75lbs off 3 hives 10 days ago, and put the supers back to clean up. They are now full again but not capped. Has anyone had experience of honey from radish. There is a field of 50 acre+ with fodder radish being grown as a green manure, about 500 yard from the hives. 2 years ago the...
  5. N

    Late flow of Mustard and radish

    I have 3 hives a 2014 nuc which is covering 10 frames. I have taken off 1 super and got 18lb of honey. It crystalised in the extractor, but I was able to get it jarred by heating up the room and it eventually flowed through the filter and I jarred it up immediately. I believe this honey is a...
  6. N

    What to do with late flow.

    Took 10 frames off and got 18lb of honey. The honey set in the extractor so had to warm up the room to get it to flow through the filter. It is now fully set in the jars. I can see a problem with this mustard honey crystalising in the comb. Will the bees be able to use this honey? If not...
  7. N

    What to do with late flow.

    Mustard flow I am back into beekeeping after some years. I have three hives a 2014 nuc, and 2 I bought in a couple of weeks ago. My nuc is covering 10 frame and I have taken one super of honey off, which crystalised over night. I have a 50 ac field of mustard/ radish within 100 yds of the...