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  1. B

    Artificial swarm but cannot find the Queen?

    Many thanks. My feelings of management failure or unreadiness motivate me to try and save a swarm. :-) Thanks for the advice - I won't go at them in the usual jeans and bee-jacket then.
  2. B

    Artificial swarm but cannot find the Queen?

    No eggs seen, unfortunately. And I may have made the hive queenless and have to deal with that. BUT, for arguments sake, supposing the queen was still there due to e.g. bad weather, what next? I mean, I am where I am (due to being unready to do anything with the sealed QCs). What would you...
  3. B

    Artificial swarm but cannot find the Queen?

    Destroyed ~20 sealed QCs yesterday. Did not see queen, but apparently has not swarmed and was laying eggs up to ~4days ago. Was not ready to use these cells. Can I wait 7 days before attempting an Artificial Swarm, OR is swarm imminent, no matter what? Queen is unclipped and unmarked, have...
  4. B

    have i ordered the right thing???

    One can always find the text explanation from the 7#0rn3 online shop->"Frames and Foundation" -> "Frames - Flat". The link to "Which frames fit my hive?" is just below the navigational "breadcrumbs".
  5. B

    Beekeeper Start Age Poll

    We didn't answer the male/female question because the internet has taught us to be trigger-happy rather than to read the question carefully before answering. The poll design allowed us to answer with age only...