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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. J

    Naming the queen

    I’m in second proper year of bee keeping now. And starting to think about how on the future I might want to trace the ancestry of my queens. When I only had 2 queens that was easy. But now I have had splits and splits of splits. I’ve moved queens into nucs. This means that queens and hives and...
  2. J

    Fondant onto frames?

    Joined in 2014 but neighbours wouldn’t let me keep bees- I do get that now! Then moved house and so happy I can now have bees. I do have a really good local beekeeping club but they don’t do poly hives and they are good at carpentry- diametric opposite to me!!
  3. J

    Fondant onto frames?

    I read somewhere that I shouldn’t use qe over winter
  4. J

    Fondant onto frames?

    I have polyhives x2 and it’s my first year. They didn’t draw any supers at all but had plenty of brood and looked strong. I gave them syrup but now it’s cooler so I have some hive alive fondant. I have used a super as an eke and applied the hive alive direct onto the frames with a glass...
  5. J

    Sac brood

    Actually sbi did see some of the bees with dwv. But varroa counts are minimal if any. So I am day zero of no queen. Should I do the full 14 day brood break or should I requeen sooner. I’ve actually only had bees for just over a month and my head is in a spin. I can barely think about anything...
  6. J

    Sac brood

    I’ve dispatched the Queen. I had some advice suggesting I do a brood break in case varroa implicated and only then introduce new Queen. So this is what I’m embarking on. I’ve given the queenless hive some feed and will inspect and remove qcs at day 7 and introduce a new mated Q day 14
  7. J

    Sac brood

    Interesting. All this politics is new to me. There isn’t much about what to do about sacbrood in my little text books and I found it difficult to get info online too. I’m having to learn quickly
  8. J

    Sac brood

    If I requeen I take it that I still need to dispose of all the infected brood comb? Wouldn’t I still have to do a shaking manoeuvre anyway to get the bees off the infected brood comb? Sorry about ignorance here- I really want to do it right.
  9. J

    Sac brood

    Had the bee inspector in today as we are in an efb zone and I have new bees ( 5weeks). - my first ever. She found sacbrood in moderately large quantity in one of the 2 hives. She has suggested shook swarm technique But I have also read about requeening. What are peoples experiences and advice ?
  10. J

    Getting a nuc

    Thanks for prompt reply! So when I transfer the colony out of the travelling nuc or whatever he gives it to me in, it goes into my hive brood box and then for the feeder ( whether it is the rapid- feeder, or the jam jar arrangement - presumably this is in a super acting as an eke? I have got all...
  11. J

    Getting a nuc

    I’m getting my first bees quite soon. I’ve done a course ( more than one) , I’ve spent a year goi g to the meetings and I have regularly attended the apiary and helped with inspections. But I don’t actually know what to do about feeding the nuc. If there isn’t a queen excluder and if I use a...
  12. J

    Cornwall newbee

    This is my plan - I’m hoping to have these.
  13. J

    Cornwall newbee

    The course was really helpful. I went to the local apiary meeting last night and had my first sting. I was quite pleased ( even though it was because of poor handling of a frame by me) because a) no anaphylaxis and b) not too painful. I know that neither of those reasons is 100% durable but they...
  14. J

    Cornwall newbee

    Oops need to change my details. I moved house to east Cornwall !
  15. J

    Hive Records question

    What app is this? ( haven’t started my bees yet but just thinking ahead)
  16. J

    Cornwall newbee

    Hi , I am doing a beginner beekeeping course. Hoping to get black bees next spring and polystyrene hives x 3. Have enough space and no neighbour problems. Haven’t bought any kit or the hives as yet. This forum looks informative.