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    Hello from France!

    Thank you all for your warm welcome! @wessexmario, thanks for the tip, I'll try the latex gloves next spring! @boca, I personnally did not see any where I live and I hope I won't! There is an official action plan in place, focusing on preventing, monitoring and fighting vespa velutina...
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    Hello from France!

    Hi all! I've been a long time reader and registered a while back. I would like to introduce myself so that we start knowing each other a bit more! We live in the North East of France, in the countryside. We had the idea of getting a hive for several years. Since we are very much interested in...
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    Hive allive programme on BBC2 8pm

    Thank you for the heads up!
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    Yorkshirebees Photos

    Very interesting, thank you very much for sharing.