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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. T

    Honey Bees entering Cavity Wall

    Thank you all for your advice. Feel a little more reassured now it appears to be a bumble. Wasn't so much worried about the risk of being stung outside but the potential of damage to the house and large numbers finding their way inside as an ongoing problem. Happy to let them go about their...
  2. T

    Honey Bees entering Cavity Wall

    After a nerve wracking 20 minutes I think I may stand corrected in that it is more likely to be bumble bees. Not taken the best photos but it was when a very large bee bumbled out and scared me half to death that I definitely changed my mind! In that 20 mins about 5 smaller bees emerged and...
  3. T

    Honey Bees entering Cavity Wall

    Thank you. I will investigate pollen and photofits !
  4. T

    Honey Bees entering Cavity Wall

    Hi. Thank you for your reply. I have tried to match what I saw to bee species pics on the web, (it's definitely bee rather than wasp), so I could be wrong but have tried to research it the best I could so I suppose all I can honestly say is that it is an educated guess!
  5. T

    Honey Bees entering Cavity Wall

    Hi Gentleman, Apologies for asking for advice on a recurring topic but I have scrolled through past postings and just have a few questions about what I have read. Following my neighbour saying that her dog was being bothered by several bees whilst outside upon investigation I have found a hole...