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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. S

    A bit of light reading

    Part of the joy of this site is in the tangential nature of much of the responses :LOL:
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    The Beekeeping Show 2024

    Stonleigh was really close, Telford was not too far either but I was busy this weekend so didn't make it. I can however report that I saved a fortune this weekend by not going!!
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    Thickness of homemade foundation

    Over thinking! I don't think an extra half mm depth to a cell will make an iota of difference, unless you are thinking of selling cut comb or you have made a half inch slab of foundation
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    Gasvap alternative

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    Gasvap alternative

    Mine had a screw holdng the heat shield on which was loose. Allowed the pressure to escape as screw went into the eating chamber.....tightened the screw and back to full function! There are no moving parts!
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    Gasvap alternative

    Sublime = Solid to Gas Evaporate - Liquid to Gas Gaseous OA condences back to Solid What's the difference?
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    Flooded hives

    It looks like the bees must have dived into the cells to get a last gulp of oxygen The comb looks like a severe case of starvation with comb full of dead bees Will spray the frames with a dilute bleach solution and then rinse with fresh water and shake out the frames a couple of times before...
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    Small heater for only one or two jars

    Put it in the dishwasher with the lid on tight
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    Flooded hives

    Thanks, I had not thought of freezing the frames, that is a good idea. Getting them home and rinsing with fresh water before shaking the water out was what I planned, at least that would get the worst of the mud off and out of the cells. Would not use the honey other than to feed the bees, or...
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    Flooded hives

    I have had some hives flooded and have lost the bees. The hives were washed off the stands, some were strewn over the field and recovered and others are heading down to the Bristol channel, I have recovered some of the boxes and have been through them and shaken the drowned bees off the comb and...
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    Defective Gas Vap Burner

    A bad workman blames his tools.... Higher cost options are available!!! My car isn't as comfortable as a Bently, but it was a tad cheaper I have a gas vap and it works for me, it is better than lugging a car battery around the hives, but not as good as some of the newer ones with portable tool...
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    Randy Oliver OA sponges

    I didn't use sponges in the spring. Not having used them, they couldn't have been left in until September, just over the brood nest, nor could the bees have chewed them to bits.
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    Randy Oliver OA sponges

    Whilst it is not legal it is effective Alcohol wash test result on 7 hives - zero mites How do I know? Couldn't possibly say!!!
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    sugar cost and when to buy

    Where was that from? Our association has just quoted £23
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    The National Uncapper

    Looks like a great innovation (y)
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    Storing frames with foundation

    Wax moth shouldn't bother it as there are no old brood cells
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    Swarms not as plentiful this year

    Fed up with calls to collect swarms. Picked up a cast this evening, it is now on top of another nuc with a swarm in it on a pallet with three other swarms. Dug one out of a bathroom yesterday, and also collected another whilst I dodged two other calls.... I trimmed my colonies back earlier this...
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    Anyone sell frames of honey?

    Been asked if I will sell frames of honey. Happy to, but wondering what the price to ask. Anyone doing this?
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    Abelo 12 frame hive issue

    Ask two bee keepers......;)
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    Castellated frames or hoffman style

    I was going to make exactly the same observation Just to demonstrate that no two beekeepers agree