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  1. S

    OSR noobie, please help!

    Does it take long to reduce the water content and do you need to stir the honey at intervals?
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    OSR noobie, please help!

    Good to know. I'm going to give the calcium chloride trick a go first. Do you run the dehumidifer in a room or a cupboard of some sort? My first thought was I've got nowhere to run a dehumidifier, but I'm now wonder if her-in-doors wouldn't mind me making use of the airing cupboard for a day...
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    OSR noobie, please help!

    Thanks All, Very helpful suggestions. I had thought of extracting it and feeding it back to the bees, but wasn’t sure how well the extractor would cope with part crystalised honey. Last time I tried, although on non-OSR part set honey, there was large amounts left in the frames which I ended...
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    OSR noobie, please help!

    Hi, This is the first time I've encountered OSR - it's in full flower about half a mile from my new out apiary. I removed a super this afternoon that is about 50% capped, but the uncapped parts are starting to crystalize. My refractometer shows the capped as being around 19% water, but the...
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    Pollen in the supers. Is this a problem?

    I'm also on double brood, but the first super (from one hive only) is absolutely packed with pollen. Only found out last weekend when I removed a super from each of my hives to extract - bit of a shock really. :eek: Now I'm just wondering what to do with it?
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    Another newbee

    I think i get the picture - I need more equipment. Thanks, Steven
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    Another newbee

    Thanks for the positive comments everyone. Looks like I've got a big learning curve ahead of me. Dusty, Why can't you have enough crownboards? Thanks, Steven
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    supers and apiguard

    Wow, lots of information to digest! Thanks everyone. itma, I'm confused a bit because I only want ot leave the super on for overwinter stores and didn't think I have to do anything special with it other than remove the queen excluder and decide whether to leave it under or over the brood box...
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    supers and apiguard

    Thanks MuswellMetro, That makes sense about tainting the honey in the super as much as in the brood box. We'll my next question was going to be should I leave the super on top or put it underneath the brood box? You got in first :-) I hope someone can tell me if Im wrong in this, but my...
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    Another newbee

    Hello everyone, Another newbee here in Birmingham. Im looking after a friends bees as he's not able to at the moment. If all goes well, I'll have some bees of my own next year, but for now am doing my best with my friends 2 national hives - so the 2 against my name aren't really mine. Im...
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    supers and apiguard

    Hello, Im new to this forum and beekeeping! I understand that supers have to be taken off before I put the apiguard packets on, but what about the super I intend to leave on for their overwinter stors? Do I take it off and then put it back on when the apiguard has been used or just leave it...