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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. J

    Naming the queen

    I’m in second proper year of bee keeping now. And starting to think about how on the future I might want to trace the ancestry of my queens. When I only had 2 queens that was easy. But now I have had splits and splits of splits. I’ve moved queens into nucs. This means that queens and hives and...
  2. J

    Fondant onto frames?

    I have polyhives x2 and it’s my first year. They didn’t draw any supers at all but had plenty of brood and looked strong. I gave them syrup but now it’s cooler so I have some hive alive fondant. I have used a super as an eke and applied the hive alive direct onto the frames with a glass...
  3. J

    Sac brood

    Had the bee inspector in today as we are in an efb zone and I have new bees ( 5weeks). - my first ever. She found sacbrood in moderately large quantity in one of the 2 hives. She has suggested shook swarm technique But I have also read about requeening. What are peoples experiences and advice ?
  4. J

    Getting a nuc

    I’m getting my first bees quite soon. I’ve done a course ( more than one) , I’ve spent a year goi g to the meetings and I have regularly attended the apiary and helped with inspections. But I don’t actually know what to do about feeding the nuc. If there isn’t a queen excluder and if I use a...
  5. J

    Cornwall newbee

    Hi , I am doing a beginner beekeeping course. Hoping to get black bees next spring and polystyrene hives x 3. Have enough space and no neighbour problems. Haven’t bought any kit or the hives as yet. This forum looks informative.