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  1. L

    BOOTS... trowswes in or out?

    Just in case anyone's interested - for me it's not a question of foolishness as already suggested, and it's certainly not a case of living in a perfect world ... I wear sandals - without socks - 365 days a year. It's not that I'm some kind of 70-year-old hippy, but as a result of medical...
  2. L

    BOOTS... trowswes in or out?

    Methinks somebody's been smoking those wacky cigarettes again ... :) LJ
  3. L

    making Foudation

    I don't use (never have used) foundation of any kind - so bear with me ... My understanding was that there are two kinds of plastic foundation. One which is pre-drawn, and therefore has cell walls - as you describe. The other type - which is what I was referring to - is simply the plastic...
  4. L

    making Foudation

    Does that matter ... ? Seems to me that all they need is some kind of 'image' to follow. If you were to press a thin sheet of warm wax between two sheets of plastic foundation (with attached epoxy/plywood backing), I reckon that would be good enough. You might need to use some kind of mould...
  5. L

    BOOTS... trowswes in or out?

    At the risk of stating the bloomin' obvious - if you REALLY need to wear boots to inspect bees, then for goodness sake change 'em ! (the bees that is, not the boots) I used to wear wellies and a full suit when there were AMM or AMM-mongrels on the premises - but now it's open sandals, jeans...
  6. L

    Varroa feed off the fat stores??

    Thanks Erica LJ
  7. L

    Varroa feed off the fat stores??

    Can't get that 'survey' page to display ... yet all the others load ok (typical ...) - is there any chance of someone kindly assisting with posting a screen-grab or similar ? I hope it has more info than their MiteCheck survey: As that's a bit 'thin' on data - unless of course you guys are...
  8. L

    No more nails

    Agreed - my solution - as soon as it arrives - is to decant into 2x 500ml Tesco's ex-washing-up liquid bottles ... Easier to apply, and the reserve bottle (filled to the VERY top) lasts longer without contact with air. bjosephd - Amazon ? Jeez - buy from Toolstation - only £6 a litre...
  9. L

    No more nails

    I've just looked at the instructions on a 'No More Nails' cartridge - which I've never used - and under 'General' it says (in bold type): "Do not use No More Nails in permanently damp or wet areas." Which describes the inside of a beehive pretty well ... So, it's clearly not intended for...
  10. L

    Beekeeping on a shoestring budget

    That's what Typhoid Mary used to say .... LJ
  11. L

    Bees don't like strimmers

    To a bee, a strimmer must sound like the mother of all Hornets, so it's no wonder they go ballistic. I stopped strimming around hives - too much hassle - now it's a petrol mower to within a few inches of the stand legs, and a quick squirt of Roundup around the legs last thing at night, after...
  12. L

    Honey barrier shallow box as excluder ? Second photo from top. LJ
  13. L

    Honey barrier shallow box as excluder ?

    She also won't cross several inches of comb-free wood. So - when I needed to exclude the queen from a box last year, I used a plywood excluder. Easy, unrestricted access for the workers (and drones), but it kept the queen 'in her place'. Dunno why more people don't use 'em ... LJ
  14. L

    Beekeeping on a shoestring budget

    Yes, indeed - your reply gave me a much better idea of what 'shoestring' means for you. For some (strange) reason I was thinking of maybe somebody on Social Security, struggling to feed a family and/or pay the rent - that kind of scenario ... The 'fridge idea' clearly being for someone in that...
  15. L

    Beekeeping on a shoestring budget

    Shoestring budget ? Yes, it CAN be done - but take note of the wise words already in this thread. Bees will set up home ANYWHERE - and so with this in mind ... Some of the REALLY cheap ideas are interesting enough, and would indeed work - but there's always a snag. For example: you could take...
  16. L

    Brother Adam

    Adaptation by Natural Selection of honey bees is past tense, surely ? This being how the various sub-species came into being. LJ
  17. L

    Brother Adam

    A well-expressed statement, but of a sentiment not shared by everyone. There are several groups of people who think that such a tenet is mind-blowingly arrogant, and that Natural Evolution cannot be improved upon by Human Beings. Put simply, Evolution - by eliminating those not the 'fittest'...
  18. L

    Brother Adam

    I'm curious about this topic, and am left wondering why is Brother Adam - alone - being put under the microscope ? There are a good dozen or more legendary names in the history of Beekeeping which, if they'd not done what they had, we'd not be doing the things we currently do. As to trying to...
  19. L

    Why are they doing this?

    I've seen this a few times, and it used to concern me - but as the numbers have always been always small, I've tended to accept it. As to why ? Short answer: dunno. Longer answer: maybe it's a case of bees getting lost (for whatever reason ...) and then being refused entry into the hive they...
  20. L

    Help in identifying an author.

    Thanks for the thanks. And thanks also for the earlier Amazon link - but I'd already scripted-out my post before reading yours. FWIW - this enquiry was initially triggered by my converting 2x Quadruple-Nuc Long Hives with entrances all on one side (used for an experiment related to drifting)...