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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. robinharman

    Bees in roof any tips for removal

    Don't forget you are not insured for this type of work if you have standard BBKA membership.
  2. robinharman

    Best source
  3. robinharman

    APRIL FOOL!!!!

    Some may think the article by The Walrus that arrived this morning was. I do hope not. Loads of common sense again
  4. robinharman

    Wax moth prevention

    DiPel with a garden sprayer - takes seconds. They don't like it up 'em.
  5. robinharman

    Google Earth

    Another useful to is grid reference finder - perfect for finding the reference if you are struggling with the ridiculous Beebase map
  6. robinharman

    Slugs in Nucs

    Had exactly the same problem this week, just at one apiary. One nuc was shared between bees and a dozen slugs, again resting happily under the frame lugs. The other six had a good few each. Not a damp site
  7. robinharman


    Have you tried pushing in the temperature knob rather than turning it?
  8. robinharman


    Or just push the timer dial in and infinity pops up.
  9. robinharman


    I find Marigolds are a little thick. Try the supermarket own brands which are thinner and cheaper. Go through the washing machine a treat.
  10. robinharman

    Hardy girls

    Keeping cagebirds is actually very popular within the Asian community and one of my customers has recently given up being a helicopter designer to open up a shop specialising in them. Some really beautiful birds in stock see Login • Instagram. Interesting fact - Geoff Capes once the World's...
  11. robinharman

    How to use a war to sell stuff

    Perhaps some of the major packers will show some solidarity in the future by paying more than 1.5 Euros for 1Kg of honey (and that's to the supplier, rather than the beekeeper).
  12. robinharman

    Seeking beekeepers with disabilities

    I am about to start a beekeeping project with an university PTSD unit. It for a veterans and blue light workers. They are currently fishing based. I will drop you an email.
  13. robinharman

    Do most people use mouse guards or not?

    I rarely used them until last winter when I lost at least five colonies (£1,500+?) to mice over different apiaries. Have also seen many lost for another bee farmer who I do work for, who thought is was not cost efficient for the labour involved to do..... I hate opening up and finding them...
  14. robinharman

    Treating Wax moth and grub

    Now up to three years. I had my last lot for over three and it definitely didn't work. It was stored in the tight screw fitting lidded tub. fittinscunfurl="true"][/URL]
  15. robinharman

    Treating Wax moth and grub

    Sadly it doesn't have a long shelf life - about two years. And it does start to fail soon after.
  16. robinharman

    Abandoned? Beehives - how to find owner.

    Farmer is doing the right thing - store in case the owner attends. They are not his to treat as his own and give away - the beekeeper could return and want recompensing. In the circumstances perhaps keep for six month, email local association (done) and BFA requesting that they try and locate...
  17. robinharman

    Mystery nibbler!

    Not for much longer sadly.
  18. robinharman

    Making ekes

    I keep colonies at a major woodyard that imports wood from Latvia for decking. Their cost prices have gone up 40% in two installments in the last year. At least the seconds skip is a useful source for my needs. As above - expect further price rises and shortages.
  19. robinharman

    Making a huge increase in numbers?

    William is fine, running a good numbers of healthy colonies.
  20. robinharman

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Set up the new apiary adjoining my extraction suite. Was going to move some overwintered nucs from 100m away but they insisted on flying in 8 degrees. All are Jolanta’s autumn queens and seem strong. Just need some cold weather.