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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. robinharman

    Honey price

    I do white plastic 1kg tubs (45p ish on eBay) that sell really well at £22. Will push them more as the price of jars goes up.
  2. robinharman

    Fake news

    Just filled up (well half filled) and the woman in front of me paid for her £3.30 worth of petrol with 10+20p pieces. Hard times ahead
  3. robinharman

    Honey production in Corfu

    I met Vasilakis a few years ago when passing his hives on the hill above Arillas (a gorgeous quiet holiday village) and had a chat with him. Within a few minutes he had found a veil and we were going through a hive with me in swimming shorts and a t shirt. The bees were fantastically calm and...
  4. robinharman

    remote security monitoring options

    Security is my number one concern and personally I would look for a safer site. Beehives are likely to be stolen at night by someone wearing a veil. Cameras would give you pictures at that time /clothing that would likely be pretty useless for identifying the suspects. Unless you were close by...
  5. robinharman

    East London

    Lucky this year. Last year managed one super each.
  6. robinharman

    East London

    I manage the community hives the Eric has alluded to above - they are in Victory Park beside the mirror park. Security is excellent as they are in a locked area with several cctv cameras. The forage is excellent with numerous wild meadows plus the River Lea banks. Currently we have five very...
  7. robinharman

    varroa treatments

  8. robinharman

    varroa treatments

    Apitraz in August was fantastic last year, with a December blast of Api Bioxal to finish them off.
  9. robinharman

    Custom Jar Labels

    Fastprint in Doncaster do my clear labels.
  10. robinharman

    Is the June gap early?

    Was about two weeks ago for a few days round here
  11. robinharman

    Bees for Apitherapy

    I've been selling bees for this for a few months to a couple of people known to each other. Settled on £22 (15 + 7 for Post Office before 1pm) for two queen cages of approx 15 bees in total. Everyone is happy. Weekly delivery
  12. robinharman

    Marking queens

    Practice picking and marking by using drones. When confident after a few do the queen. Exoskeleton, so they are strong Really builds up confidence and I make beginners do it on courses
  13. robinharman


    Oak chippings from a local joiner
  14. robinharman

    field beans

    My lady farmer was only talking about the beans yesterday. Should be properly flowering in about three weeks here in South East Essex. The neighbouring farmer has 180 acres of the stuff. Lots of the OSR locally is a variety that does not give a nectar for bees.
  15. robinharman

    VW Caddy van purchase and insurance

    If you change your mind get a Toyota. Or two. Cannot go wrong. Bullet proof. Get a Mk 7 Hilux for bee stuff/fields and an Aygo for the supermarket run and 60+ mpg.
  16. robinharman

    Honey bees attacking call birds

    I believe it was another magpie....
  17. robinharman

    Honey bees attacking call birds

    The call bird is used to entice the magpie into the trap. Not sure what type it is. There certainly are some bees not happy at the moment!
  18. robinharman

    Honey bees attacking call birds

    A friend who is a 'casual beekeeper' and farm worker has had a 'call bird' in a trap due to magpie problems. The trap is a few feet away from his beehives. On checking it today he found the bees have attacked the call bird so much that it was almost dead and he had to put it out if it's...
  19. robinharman


    Waitrose Essentials Perfect balance.
  20. robinharman

    Treatment Free doesn't work

    Agree. I had just under 150 colonies going into autumn (not winter). Treated with Apitraz in the autumn. Came out of winter with around 135, most of which are now doubled brooded with 4+ supers and will need to start extracting next week. Losses were drone laying queens and a couple of laying...