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  1. T

    my bees 8th Dec in London

    :iagree: :)
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    my bees 8th Dec in London

    Hi Beano, This doesn't go down well with the other half LOL Have two nucs....were four frame nucs but appear to have taken a hit after I had treated them for queen from 2012 and one from July this year. Long story short.... have them in Pa**** 14 x 12 poly nucs, 4 frames each...
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    my bees 8th Dec in London

    Hi Tom, No, got the queen from a different supplier :) , very helpful and nice to do business with. Although if his queens are as good as his hives and his customer service then they must be good for sure. Yes was nice today, had the mother-in-law thinking they were swarming as there was so...
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    my bees 8th Dec in London

    Hi TDR, the queen is supposed to be a Buckfast Queen, I bought her in mid / late 2012. Was from imported stock that then had queens bred from them which were open mated by the UK supplier. So although bought as a Buckfast I don't know for sure. This colony were quite small in winter last year...
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    my bees 8th Dec in London

    Hi Swarm, yes, it is difficult to inspect the big one, especially when it had four supers on top but, like anything else, we find a way and get on with it :) (usually on here asking for advice though :) ) Initially only had the one hive there is in my garden, and hadn't planned on having...
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    my bees 8th Dec in London

    Hi Itma, The one in the middle is a double 14 x 12....I had delayed in taking supers off (four) and then tried getting them down to just the BB's but were so many bees in the supers (initially thought the cluster had moved up there until I lifted them off and seen how packed the bb's were :) )...
  7. T

    my bees 8th Dec in London

    Thought I would upload a pic or two of my bees this morning enjoying today' 'warm' weather in London. Around 9 degrees The boards had been put down to give them a bigger landing board as they had been landing on grass in colder weather and being overcome by the cold and wet.
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    December Drones

    hmnn.....I still have drones in one of my is a biggish colony on a double 14 x 12 bb, and active bees during mild weather....8 degrees and they are out bringing in pollen. I have a hive next to it with a queen I raised off this hives queen and they are also out collecting pollen...
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    Dead bees.

    can also be if the bees go out for a flight and get caught in the cold weather upon their return......
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    Help! Suit for photo shoot on weds (4th) in London

    Hi, I live in Sutton and can supply you with one to use if you are still searching. Best regards, John
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    bees getting caught out by the cold weather

    Have done it...added a 2ft board up to entrance after yesterdays shock :)
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    bees getting caught out by the cold weather

    As the title says.....bit of a shocker to see so many bees returning with pollen etc that have landed in the grass in front of the hives and been caught by the cold weather . Picked up around 100 into plastic container, brought indoors until warmed up then released back into garden...
  13. T

    Re-housing wild colony now

    when using the P***** poly nuc you could close the opening and bring it indoors for a while with the feed, heat and additional frames of foundation or drawn supers cut and perhaps rubber bands to hold in place. This would give them a chance to regroup, assess the damage and rebuild in comfort :)...
  14. T

    Ebay fraudulent listings

    haha...yes, same here....I messaged one guy and asked him when he broke into my house to take his photos :) Got an apology and he said he would take the pics down, I was just pleased to get the quick reply and apology so told him he could keep using the photos for his listing.
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    Steam Wax Extractor - Any good ?

    screw fix sell a wallpaper steamer for £20.00 You could then use a big bucket with lid, put hole in side for steam hose, fix a strainer in base and have a hole to run off melted wax. Am think of making one this way myself.
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    bee cake

    Got nice surprise today by my friends at work....a bee cake for my birthday :)
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    Very strange mini-swarm

    Still no idea of the location in London.......
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    Very strange mini-swarm

    where in london are you and are they collectable? Always worth a try to save them, by the sounds of it they may have some comb and are rearing brood already.....will surely die if left.
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    Asian hornets kill 41 not too good for the bees and not too good for people :(
  20. T

    what to do :/ Haven't removed supers from one of my is on a double BB 14 x 12 with 4 supers. On checking today supers are full but uncapped...previously have been in varying degrees of capped and uncapped through season...used for various...