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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. S

    New species of Bees?

    Hi I have two hives and this is my second season with bees. I inspected the other day and both hives are very clean with brood and stores. I have had only 1 or 2 varroa drop per week. So I am not going to treat. After all that what I want advice on is shown in the attached pictures. Some bees...
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    apigard or apivar or apilife var???

    Hi I have 2 hives, one is a small colony the other twice as big. Been monitoring for varroa and have not yet seen any. It is not that I have missed them as I had a few last year and can recognise them. I am not sure whether to apply Apiguard or not. I assume it could be a little detrimental to...
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    Uniting colonies

    I like the idea of keeping 2 colonies, although hive1 is quite small. Both queens are new this year and laying well. Last year I did manage to over-winter a small colony. The supers only have a couple of frames with capped and uncapped honey. Heather why do you say remove the QE? I can see why...
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    Uniting colonies

    Hi This is my second season with bees. Last year I had problems with being supplied with a poorly mated queen - it's a long story but didn't get any honey. I expected this. I now have 2 hives each with a super. Hive1 has brood box, queen ex, super, crown board, roof. Hive2 is the same. Each...
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    Apiguard and winter.

    Hi The instructions on the Apiguard box states "after 2 weeks replace the first tray with a new one. Leave the product in the colony until the tray is empty". Surely to kill all the varroa it will need 6 weeks to cover all the brood cycles. Thanks Brian
  6. S

    Apiguard and winter.

    Hi I have a small colony which, after a few problems with the queen, is doing very well with plenty of brood. I put first Apiguard tray in my hive 23/09 and two weeks later removed it. The bees had not eaten all the Apiguard in the tray. Should it all be eaten? The plastic sheet under the...
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    How to use Apiguard

    Thanks for that. I reduce the entrance when the bees aren't flying and then open it up when they are all flying. I am also feeding. Do I have to stop feeding when the Apiguard is in? I have monitored the varroa drop and am getting about 20-25 per week. I am in sunny Birmingham. Regards Brian
  8. S

    How to use Apiguard

    Hi I am a new beekeeper. I bought a nuc in late June and got off to a bad start due to my queen being very small and not laying. It's a long story but now I have a good queen but a small colony. I have very few varroa but have bought some Apiguard. I have a mesh floor and I have heard that it...