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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. R

    what to plant to outcompete grass

    Wildflowers do much better on "waste ground" than on land that have been mown regularly, as they have little nutriants from no grass cutting. You may have noticed councils are mowing less often and planting wildflowers along some principle roads,parks etc, in the belief that they will...
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    Bee Disease Recognition Workshop

    Hi All, Maybe a little late for some......? Adjacent BKA's advised but just incase you missed notification, Gwent are holding there's at Goytre Village Hall 2pm 11th July. Drop in it's a free event, plenty of cake, tea, etc , oh and all the bee stuff. Thanks to APHA, BDI and volunteers. Hope...
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    Western Red Cedar

    Try these guys Barrets of Usk Good service, good timber and decent prices
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    Conflicting advice about queen cells

    You will soon learn that bees don't follow our rules and swarm cells can appear any where on a frame, or at least they do with our bees. Splitting the colony would seem best option, make sure you check frames for queen cells and don't put them in the box with your queen.
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    Have you guys seen this? - no need to remove suppers from hive now

    Maybe we could collaborate Dishmop, I've been working on one but haven't quite sussed it yet however the bees seem to like the idea. Some girls turned up for a drink and decided to move in. Do you think we should apply for crowd funding? ;)
  6. Girls called round for a drink and decided to move in!

    Girls called round for a drink and decided to move in!

  7. R

    Gardeners world

    Unfortunatley most of the good stuff is on the "cutting room floor" due to relevance and time constraits of the program. I would like to see what happens down the line with Monty's, Marther's and Carol's bees. Gareth is a commercial beekeeper and knows is stuff, giving a lot of help & advice to...
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    Heads Up - Friday Gardeners World

    Gareth Baker, the beek, is a commercial beekeeper, always sound advice. Appears in several BBC bee related programs such as A taste of Monmouth
  9. R

    H***ords rip off

    I have a Trade card with Messers Halford, recenlty bought some brake light bulbs with ticket price of £2.99, mentioned had card 99p please :eek:
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    free hive of nasty bees Sleaford

    The request was from one our better beekeepers as it happens, although I didn't state that in my 1st post. But I do think it was a tongue in cheak request, but then again..........
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    free hive of nasty bees Sleaford

    Pity they're so far away, had a request for such bees for: "Hi. Anyone got some very defensive bees they don't want. Looking to install on two story flat roof in Newport. As deterrent to thieves. No where near anyone going about lawful business."
  12. R

    Bee removal from block cavity wall

    Waht are the inner walls made of and can you access the cavity from the roof; ie. take some tiles off( if tiled) and turn back felt? Bee vac maybe handy! Buy , steal beg borrow an inspection camera to dertermine where they are and extent of nest to minimise demolition work, the need to support...
  13. R

    Bees attacking smoker bellows

    Some of my bees must be related to Finman's bees or are just hard, when smokers resting some go into the spout/chimney?? Which would seem to be certain death however some make it out, how long they survive after?
  14. R

    Bee vac

    I have one of these, you will need to reduce the suction or you will end up with bee mush. Steve's box has taken all/most of the problems into account.
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    Reliable way to stop cats .. a plea for help

    Powerful water pistol/hose/sprinkler, fox/man pee or feed it and it shouldn't shlt on it's own doorstep;)
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    Let's allow bees to swarm !

    Worldwide honeybees are on the increase , however in the USA & Russia they are in decline, draw your own conclusions why. Finman brought this to the forum some time ago Factfish world beehives Most bee keepers will inenvitably experience but allowing uncontrolled swarming is irresponsible...
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    Monty Don't

    Did you mean RangeRover evoque??;)
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    Monty Don't

    Monty is a Patron of Bees for Development and possibly the reason he choose a TBH.
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    We're on the radio

    Related to this thread maybe?
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    Killing Bumbles.

    Remind her that now she's killed an " endangered" (?) species that scavenging wasps and hornets will be more trouble than the bees ever where. Or just wait for her to accuse you of sending them around too!