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    Anyone else seen this?

    Foghorn,thanks for that link.
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    Anyone else seen this?

    Has anyone read the research or has a link to the one mentioned in this
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    Dadant smoker

    Thornes offered a full refund straight away.Ian your's backed up what I passed on to Gabe Dadant that they have been making them badly for years.His reply was thats the way they have been made from years and will continue to be made like that.Americans are always very quick to boast about their...
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    Dadant smoker

    Grand kids bought me a Dadant smoker for a recent birthday after they saw my battered but fully functional chinese smoker which I have had for maybe 8 years but is still going strong.They did some research and formed the opinion that dadant was top of the range in smokers. What arrived in the...
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    When do people de-Demaree?

    "" The guy in this video does not turn the bees round 180 degrees.The brood box entrance is above with the blue landing board facing same direction as the original entrance.
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    Plant I.D

    Thank you.
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    Plant I.D

    Could anyone tell me the name of this plant?Sorry pic is not great
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    Just had a quick look at the Provap videos on youtube and have a couple of points to add.There is a video of a guy showing how to change the bowl if the thing was made properly the bowl is never going to burn out in a lifetime.Price, the way that one is made there is about 40 quid spent on bits...
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    For those interested in AMM

    Could you clarify that a bit please?Does that mean that you only ever had Manx hybridized with Cornish or does it mean that you got Manx queens and bred off them?If the latter how did the Manx perform?
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    For those interested in AMM

    Have many tried the amm from the Isle of Man?ITLD have you tested any of these?I was kindly taken to a set of hives about three years ago belonging to a breeding group when on the island.They invited me when I saw them at a farm show there and while talking to them I said I would never keep...
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    For those interested in AMM

    Thanks for that Polyhive.What size of hive did you use for amm?Got amm from three different sources this year to try.The things I notice that are different since I last had them is a much better temperament,not as runny on the comb and a much more prolific queen.Can't be compared to a carnica...
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    For those interested in AMM

    "If there were to be less bickering and petty nit picking then this thread might actually be informative." I agree. Polyhive could you expand on this post a bit please? The AMM that were very good, could you explain what you mean by this i.e.did they not have the faults you went on to...
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    Hearing about losses shakes your confidence

    Icing Sugar,you don't by any chance have the rest of that paper?
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    Hearing about losses shakes your confidence

    Poly hive,do you happen to know anymore details of the extent of the interference?Did they lift out frames,disturb the cluster?
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    Zonda Ventilated Bee Keeper Suit

    Ultrabreeze are more than twice the price but get very good reviews.
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    Zonda Ventilated Bee Keeper Suit

    Has anyone tried one of these?
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    Beekeeping Suits

    Has anyone tried the Zonda Ventilated Bee Keeper Suit?
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    How fast mites drop

    Finman did he do any sublimation and are there any written results?
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    Queen marking

    Just wondered was there anyone who wouldn't?Its true I was sent a inseminated queen which wasn't clipped shipped in an ordinary envelope.I was unable to access my private messages for some reason one time and wanted a reminder of the pedigree so I asked for it again.When access to my old...
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    Queen marking

    Do people who inseminate queens always clip them?