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  1. D

    Chronic bee paralysis overnight?

    Got it ta, Derek
  2. D

    Chronic bee paralysis overnight?

    Thanks for the reply, was that implicated as in 'could be dodgy' or implicated as in 'best solution'?
  3. D

    Keeping a hive inside a shed.

    Not actually about a proper hive but, 30 years ago I cut the bottom off a milk parlour jar (Pyrex and very difficult) Araldited bamboo canes up in the top across the shoulder, then mounted it in a hollow base with a tunnel leading out through my shed wall. Installed a cast which did very well...
  4. D

    Beehive security

    Years ago when my brother -in - law and I took our bees to the osr we put in a ground anchor under the hives with a ten foot length of thin core rope covered with long grass attached to the bottom of the hive. the idea was that they'd start to leg it with the hive only to come to an immediate...
  5. D

    Chronic bee paralysis overnight?

    Can you tell me why re-queening will save the colony please? wouldn't she get the virus too?
  6. D

    Any scouts at your swarm trap?

    Trouble is that too many people know me via others! Last year I had a farmer deliver a swarm that dropped in his cow yard! It wasn't prime but it sure is this Spring. Sweet nature and firing on all frames!
  7. D

    Any scouts at your swarm trap?

    Just missed a swarm yesterday, The landowner couldn't find my number so called the local club, Grrr!
  8. D

    Time to change our tune?

    Just think how much the pharmaceuticals make each year from 'allergy' suppressants! you think they'd advise you to use local honey to see if it works ?
  9. D

    Time to change our tune?

    Last year I was sat fascinated watching a small bumble bee gathering pollen from those grass stems that look like little trees.
  10. D

    Asian Hornets...

    Just saying,, An Asian hornet was captured in Kent on the 11th March 2024. Must have overwintered.
  11. D

    Time to change our tune?

    My Ex had serious hayfever from childhood, she even wanted to buy one of those Chinese goldfish helmets with filtered air it was that bad. When I took up bees,thirty years ago, she used to hook out some freshly packed pollen cells, half a dozen or so, and kept them in a jar in the fridge. She'd...
  12. D

    Time to change our tune?

    Last year I watched bumbles collecting grass pollen from that grass that looks like a Christmas tree.
  13. D

    New Starter for 2024 (Essex)

    That sorta happened here with the chucks, There's one flock on a plot but no more are allowed and when it goes so does the permission. There's no other hives allowed on site but this is due to my bees are so out of the way it's not possible to get anywhere near them unless on purpose.
  14. D

    New Starter for 2024 (Essex)

    I do. At home, at my vicars garden,(where my second colony is) at a friends garden and hopefully an out apiary that needs a lot of brush clearing.
  15. D

    New Starter for 2024 (Essex)

    Bit of a 'glass half empty ' there,, It's a good community and I'm fully supported by it, only time will tell but I am sure all will be okay as I'm a belts and braces kinda person.
  16. D

    New Starter for 2024 (Essex)

    One of my hives is on my allotment plot, but I am positioned very well due to there is no path behind and the path across the flight path is twenty feet away which no other plot owner uses. I had to go to the council meeting and ask permission, I had plans of the area ready to present but they...
  17. D

    Hi, yet another newbee

    Hiya, Returning to the bees after 30yr gap! I had 10 hives then, WBC's , but now have last year bought in Nuc that's in a poly Langstroth and a small late cast in an insulated Langstroth Nuc that's over wintered okay so far. I've been lurking for a while so just saying Hello! and yes I have...