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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. R

    How much would you charge for a talk on beekeeping?

    From the other side of the fence and as the cheapskate association purse string holder I/we pay up to £40 plus expenses, may splash out a bit more for AGM. Get mostly good speakers and the odd rubbish one too.
  2. R

    Fly tippers!

    Wonder why they don't burn them as dumping them seems a bit self defeating as they will become carrion. So if infected could come back to them as poo. Yes I know TB or what ever may not be spread this way but..............
  3. R

    Fly tippers!

    It's not only builders and gardeners/tree surgeons who have this type of waste. This is also the domain of the traveler community, bless them! Councils claim to want to increase recycling and reduce landfill, then put every hurdle known to man and his aunty in your way. Van or trailer: Pay...
  4. R

    BBKA membership cards

    Is the sec on hols or been sick? Have to say we're a bit slow this year, new membership sec getting to grips with it all. We have 3 payment option: cash, cheque and bank transfer, and 2 application methods - fill in and return form by post/email in word doc format or google forms.
  5. R

    Estate Agents.

    Someone's got too much time ??
  6. R

    No wonder the NHS is short of cash ...

    This maybe of interest? Beneffits calculator
  7. R

    Loss of one hive baffles community

    Shame that the so called experts still rattle on about the "End is nigh" when world wide bee population appears to be on the rise! Factfish per Finman They need to look to their bee management rather than scratch their heads.
  8. R


    Still waiting our delegates summary??
  9. R

    4lb Loaf Tins

    Do you reknead after proving? This should remove any trapped air!
  10. R

    4lb Loaf Tins

    Alan Silverwood not cheap but last
  11. R

    sewage in stream

    Keep taking pictures etc. Not your council but......
  12. R

    Allotment beekeeping

    This any help? and get your Councillors off their backsides
  13. R

    sewage in stream

    Have you spoken to your insurance ( for advice ;) ) I'm sure the WBG bods will take a dim view of effluent discharging onto their property, not the sort of visitor attraction they want. Did the inspector mention health hazard to you and visitor attraction downstream?
  14. R

    sewage in stream

    That would be "Direct" control
  15. R

    sewage in stream

    This any help? "It is also stated in Part H2 of the 2000 Building Regulations that "Septic tank effluent can be harmful" This refers to septic tank effluent in both watercourses and groundwater. If your septic tank system malfuctions and discharges effluent (no matter how clean) to a...
  16. R

    Bee breading

    Maybe you should also read this BBKA forum
  17. R

    Bee breading

    That may have been tongue in cheek, iirc, as they promised the world and his aunty, took many deposits , didn't deliver, went to the wall, Phoenix'd under another name and tried to start the whole process again but got sussed. Maybe you need to get in touch with the Bee farmers assoc. It...
  18. R

    Bee breading

    Bees will "breed" themselves if you just want to increase numbers but if you want certain traits it's a little more complicated. Contact local association and find out who's there most successful. BTW what level of experience are you, so your no bombarded with basic stuff?
  19. R

    Lidl mini blowlamp (Mon 24th)

    Paul: Ever the optimist living in Wales :icon_204-2:
  20. R

    Bringing manuka honey home from NZ

    Check here FSA