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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. merylvingien

    One for the bee extraction team

    Believe it or not, some people dont actually want other peoples bees living in their chimney, used or not.
  2. merylvingien

    One for the bee extraction team

    If the vent is below the bees which it most probably is from what i can understand, as long as there is good air flow pop a smoke generator in the vent. Dont just push it through though, it will need to be held in place or it could be a fire risk. Would probably need to fashion a shroud to stop...
  3. merylvingien

    Bee Vac

    Think i posted mine up last year or the year before, but for the sake of looking, here is mine, well when i get it back "rosecottage" LOL
  4. merylvingien

    Aggressive Hive - Running Out of Options

    Read Poly Hive's post just below yours, this is what i am talking about. When you are dealing with bees with this temperment, then in my personal opinion they should be dealt with quickly. I do sometimes wonder if half the folk on this forum have really ever come across a severely aggressive...
  5. merylvingien

    Aggressive Hive - Running Out of Options

    At this point> Totally irresponsible to even try and keep a colony behaving in this fashion anywhere near where some unsuspecting member of the public "might" walk. Actually it’s probably even more dangerous in a remote situation, as anyone who did get hit by these bees would be very unlikely...
  6. merylvingien

    Advice - want to start wasp exterminator business

    I read your pm, thanks for the lengthy narrative on your amazing pest control career. My advice to you, would be go to a detox clinic asap ;)
  7. merylvingien

    Advice - want to start wasp exterminator business

    Hedgerow Pete, please please please stop giving information on something that you obviously know nothing about. As they say, a little knowledge is dangerous. To the original poster, do some proper research and you will find your answers. I can guarantee that the info your looking for will not...
  8. merylvingien

    Swarm collector list

    Do you guys ask where people found you on the internet?
  9. merylvingien

    Bodged cut-out? advice please

    You can get a special insect screen to go over air bricks. It has a plastic surround with wire mesh in the middle, and is screwed to the brickwork. Something along the lines of this> Edit: i wouldnt block them in though.
  10. merylvingien

    warm day so how many swarms

    Ooooohhh thats a nice one LOL
  11. merylvingien

    Bodged cut-out? advice please

    Thats not how i read it! The business owners that had to shut up shop, were wrongly informed that honey bees are protected and cannot be destroyed. (Probably by an over enthusiastic beekeeper, who thought he knew best and could save the bees, yay!) Now the shop is shut, a total mess that wasnt...
  12. merylvingien

    Bodged cut-out? advice please

    This is some bodies business you are dealing with here. I might offend some hardened beeks here, but the quickest course of action here is to spray those clustering bees with soapy water. They will die instantly. Then what is left inside should be treated and once all activity has ceased the...
  13. merylvingien

    Removing a swarm during the day

    Standard charge to treat (kill) honey bees and block up is around £80 Over the last week i have wasted countless litres of fuel travelling to far flung places to look at wasps, honey bees, more wasps, and yet more wasps. ALL of them were questioned to the point of arguing with me on the phone...
  14. merylvingien

    warm day so how many swarms

    Or just do it the easy way and google "bee swarm collectors uk"
  15. merylvingien

    Quitting smoking - e-cigs???

    Stopped smoking real cigs second week in January and went over to e cigs, was a bit weird for the first week, different taste. But haven't had a real cig since. Coughed a load of brown crap up for a month or so but feel much better now. I recommend the e cigs, great invention.
  16. merylvingien

    warm day so how many swarms

    Since Monday I have had about 40 odd calls for swarms all over hampshire, it's like the bee hotline here. Need more swarm collectors around Alton, Farnham and Fleet/Farnborough areas...
  17. merylvingien

    Removing a swarm during the day

    Wasn't me, haven't collected any swarms this year, no where to put them and no one to give them too. Did you get the call the other day Mike? I gave your number as it was right near to you.
  18. merylvingien

    Being overwhelmed by my bees / feeling despondent - advice please

    I think a simple fact is being missed out here, that being genetics. You get nice bees you get nasty bees. When you get a mixture of semi aggressive and a big number it can be daunting, but suit up well and take no nonsence from them, just go steady at it and do what you intended to do. You...
  19. merylvingien

    Table saw

    I would never buy a new pressed steel table saw and even worse a aluminium arbor table saw like the ones recommended here. Get yourself onto ebay and buy an ex industrial wadkins for a couple of hundred quid, swop the motor out for a single phase and bobs your uncle. You can make use of all the...