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  1. BeeNice

    Oouwch! Bees going for me while sitting down!

    Moved my hives from home awhile ago, depends on your bees, nice and peaceful one month, next you can't be in the same county. It would be the guard bees not the collecting bees that would go for you, can they see you from the hive entrance if so, block there sight lines with some panels or...
  2. BeeNice

    Contact feeder on crownboard or frames?

    I use both contact and rapid feeders, rapid in the autumn and contact in the spring, both go above the crown board and the bees come up throught the hole. For a nuc I would use a jam jar type thing with a small hole in the lid and placed above the feeder hole in the crown broad on the nuc box...
  3. BeeNice

    Super foundation?

    If that is the case (more honey in drone comb) we would all be doing it. It's a thought and worth trying, let us know how you get on, but, walk before you run and trying the out of the normal on your first year when you will have a very steep learning curve in your first year away. Good luck. steven
  4. BeeNice

    Wax moth

    From my understanding the wax moth will consume the old wax and go once the wax has gone, so the problem should sort itself out. steven
  5. BeeNice

    Super foundation?

    Why would you want to produce drones! You need to build up your workers and plenty of them to gather in the honey harvest, forget drone comb and stick to the norm. regards Steven
  6. BeeNice

    Advice needed please, Colony building slow.

    Its the time of year that everyone wants to play, leave alone the bees know what they are doing, I have hives in 3 locations and unless you have a couple of hives in one location and see what they are all doing at the same time, I think everything is okay. But all bees are different in nature...
  7. BeeNice

    Advice needed please, Colony building slow.

    My advice, have you lifted the solid floor onto matchsticks to leave a gap so you have a flow of air, not a wind. If you haven't done this you should have. You say you have 3 frames of brood and 3-4 of stores, at this time of year that should be okay, although the sun is shining don't go messing...
  8. BeeNice

    Naturaledge clear view bee vail 1st edition

    I can see that it's a good idea, and the best of luck with folk trying out new ideas, can't wait to see your next creation! regard Steven
  9. BeeNice

    Varroa Count

    Rab, glad to see you are still beekeeping!! Steven
  10. BeeNice

    Varroa Count

    Did one aprigard treatment, because I'm always late with the treatment as I have a lot of late forage and take a late honey crop, and I use it just to knock the varroa down a bit til I can treat with the OA, and yes, after Oxalic Acid. I know what you will say, 'that's what you can expect'. Just...
  11. BeeNice

    Naturaledge clear view bee vail 1st edition

    Bit cold to be wearing a bee suit isn't it. Is this an advertising ploy? Joined Nov 2010... no hives?!
  12. BeeNice

    whats happening to the price of sugar??

    All sugar has gone up, if we all put up the price of honey we would get a better price. But the supermarkets sell honey so cheap the public won't pay a price for the 'real thing'. Also people need sugar, they can do without honey. Sorry. Steven
  13. BeeNice

    is there anything useful i can do with this??

    I think when RAB said feed it back to them, was fee it to the hive the comb came from. Don't put it on top of the frames as the bees may make fresh comb above and around it and make a real mess, put it above the crown broad and the bees should take it down. Steven
  14. BeeNice

    Varroa Count

    Today had a look a the varroa count (after the trays in for 6 days) and was very pleased to find out of four full hives, 2 had none, 1 had 1 and the other had 2. All building up nicely the other hives I have are on solid floors that I will be changing this year. How's everyone else doing? Steven
  15. BeeNice

    Queen Excluders

    I use both, plastic and metal, to stop the 'pinging' lift the excluder all the way around and for the last bit (that would ping) just give a little twist to the excluder, no pinging. Being gentle is the best in what every you do with bees. Steven
  16. BeeNice

    Im new to beekeeping and I would like some help.

    The thing with learning about beekeeping is that when you start you don't always know the different between a national and a commercial hive, going to a full out grab what you can sale is not always the best way. I've been to auction bee sales where people where buying, basically, crap for the...
  17. BeeNice

    Average amount of syrup fed annually before winter?

    You can't have an average amount to feed, it all depends on whether the bees have enough stores, how much honey you leave on for the bees, whether the bees have a late nectar flow ie HB and how heavy is the hive on hefting. It's all down to you to work it out, the most important things is 'is...
  18. BeeNice

    Im new to beekeeping and I would like some help.

    Hi and welcome, when I started I went to the well know beekeeping supplier (T's) and got there 'bees on a budget' hive and all the stuff that went with it, that was 3 years ago and all the stuff is still going well, the only thing I added to that is a full bee suit. Have a look, I had to put it...
  19. BeeNice


    Hi and welcome to the forum. Only buy bees from someone you know or are recommended to you. As said, join an association, learn from others, go on a beginners course, read and learn as much as you can before you buy. Buy a nuc to start with, then you grow your knowledge of the bees as they...